RFID, Všade vo svete.

Nálepka / Anti Fake Label

» Nálepka / Anti Fake Label

18000-6B UHF Fragile Prevent trhať Nálepky, U CODE HSL(SL3 ICS30) Auto čelné sklo Anti Demontáž Label, UHF ETC Nálepky

Nálepka / Anti Fake Label , , , , , ,

Prevent tear off tag, effectively prevent artificial tear off. When torn, the label is immediately damaged, can not be used.

  • technické údaje
  • popis

tag medium: air medium / sklo medium
výrobca Chip: NXP
čítať režim: pasívne bezkontaktné IC čipy
kapacita Chip: 2k(2048trocha)
programové cykly: 100,000 doba
uchovávanie údajov: 10 leta
štruktúra Chip: 64 blok, 4bytov / block
komunikačný protokol: ISO 18000-6B
Pracovná frekvencia: pravidelná výroba štandardne s 915MHz (možno prispôsobiť európskej normy 868MHz)
prenosová rýchlosť: až 40kbit / s
Anti-kolízie: binárne sieť
prevádzková vzdialenosť: 7 metre (v závislosti na sile čítačky a antény veľkosti)
Jedinečné sériové číslo: 8 bajtov (napríklad: sa číslo HSL UID je šestnástkový E0 04 00 00 BF EE B2 05, z ktorých každý iný
ochrana proti zápisu: režim byte
read smer: Smer polarizácie v závislosti na výbere zariadení
materiál: kriedový papier, PET + Al Leptanie Antenna
veľkosť: 85.6× 54 mm, 39× 19 mm, alebo vlastné

ISO18000-6B Label is a UHF passive smart tag, conforms to the ISO18000-6B standard of the electronic label, the label has a long-range identification and high speed anti collision mechanism, can be applied to intelligent weighing management, highways (roads and bridges), electronic toll collection management, Vehicle license plate security identification management, vehicle marshalling scheduling management, intelligent parking lots of field management, port of entry and exit vehicle inspection management, port container management etc..
The ISO18000-6B Label, can run in 860~960MHz UHF band, the frequency range is wide (up to 100MHz bandwidth, in order to facilitate the regional UHF tag frequency selection. To facilitate regional UHF tags frequency points to choose, to be able to communicate with the local telecom business 900MHz frequency stagger applications), its machines use frequency-hopping is available and not subject to change radio frequency band plan in different areas of impact, thus allowing the same tag can be read anywhere in the world. Labels with anti-collision performance, can deployed in a variety of environments worldwide, has read / write field programmability and faster tag read / write speed, can run in dense reader environments and other functions.

Main advantages
Prevent tear off tag, effectively prevent artificial tear off.
Advanced anti-collision performance and high transmission rate.
Use ISO 18000-6 international standard protocol.
Large storage capacity,to record a large number of properties and information, particularly useful for goods-related data to track feedback, queries and terminal information.

typickou aplikácií
Správa vozidiel, Automatic Identification (Vehicle Automatic Vehicle Identification, AVI)
diaľničné poplatky (not parking charge System, Electronic Toll Collection System, ETC)
Items of supply and marketing management
sklad, správa majetku
Tobacco shipping pallet
Mold repair tracking
Patrol check in
Container identification
Computer aided software engineering tracking

Možno, že sa vám páči tiež

  • naše služby

    RFID / IoT / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Card / deň / vložka / Label
    Potítko / kľúčenka
    R / W zariadení
    RFID riešenie
    OEM / ODM

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