RFID, oral in die wêreld.

LF / HF Reader

» Hardware » LF / HF Reader

T5577 Kaartlezer, T5567 Kaartlezer, ATA5557 Chip Reader

KATEGORIE en etikette:
LF / HF Reader , , , , , ,

model: DT661

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tegniese Parameters
Frekwensie: 125kHz, ondersteuning 250KHz en 375KHz
koppelvlak: USB (HID analoog sleutelbord), gratis rit
werk af: opsioneel vir lees / read-only skryf of modelle
dekodering metode: Manchester RF / 16, RF / 32, RF / 64, RF / 128
uitvoer formaat: 10-syfer desimale getal, 8-syfer desimale getal, 8-syfer heksadesimale getal, 10-syfer desimale getal (met Tik), 8-syfer desimale getal (met Tik), 8 syfers heksadesimale syfer (met Tik)
sensing afstand: 0~ 6cm
tip: biep, 2 kleur LED
bedryfstelsel: Windows 95/98/2000 / XP / Vista / 7/8, ens.

The T5557 chip card reader provides a stable power supply directly from the computer through the USB data cable, eliminating the need for cumbersome external power supply circuits and power protection, making it safer and more stable.
This product uses the USB HID specification: analog keyboard data output. There is no need to install any driver. As long as the computer cursor is in the place where you can input characters such as Notepad/Word, it can be used as the output point of the card number (uid). The format of the output UID card number can be selected.
Read/write models provide read and write software.
This product can be customized for low-cost produce card testing machines for smart card manufacturers.

Feature support
Free installation of drivers, prop en speel.
Support T5557/T5567/T5577 chip card, CET5200 chip card.
Supports 3 Manchester format options: Manchester RF / 16, Manchester RF / 32, Manchester RF / 64


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    LF / HF / UHF
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