Specially designed for credit card, can put 6~7 cards. Some styles can put 12~15 cards. Light, ማልበስ የሚቋቋም, solid, prevent card bending. Anti electromagnetic frequency (RFID) steal card information,prevent degaussing. Built-in multi-layer grid wear-resisting, classified storage organ type, wear proof, convenient access. One-handed opening and closing, convenient and easy to use. It is easy to find in a lady handbag, especially for jeans. Delicate appearance, gorgeous color, often is the focus of the eye, it's not easy to lost. Credit card, መለያ መታወቂያ, money, business card, a variety of card can put in.
የአውሮፓ & American large styles can fit into paper money, it is more convenient to go out.
ደንበኛ ጥያቄ መሠረት ODM እና የኦሪጂናል ምርቶች.
ማስታወሻ:Waterproof design, but can not be put in the water.