መደጋገም: 125KHz Internal SEQ ID NO: 5 bytes Reading distance: 1~3cm 0.7~1.2 meter, to be equipped with remote reader Reading time: 1ms Endurance: 100,000 አንዳንድ የውሂብ ማቆየት: 10 years Card size: ቀጭን: 85.5» መለያዎች » 125 ኪኸ መታወቂያ ካርድ: 85.5×54×1.05mm Thickness: 85.5×54×1.80mm Working temperature: -20℃~+80℃ Packaging materials: PVC, ABS, ጴጥ, PETG, 0.13mm Copper wire Production process: laminated, ራስን ተጠባቂ, ultrasonic encapsulation Notice: ጃቫስክሪፕት …