Product Specifications частата: 13.56МГц матэрыял: ПВХ, ПЭТ, PC, ПЭТГ Памер антэны: 520×410mm, 490×310mm, 470×390mm, 600×380mm Таўшчыня: 0.40mm+/-0.02mm or customized, the minimum can be 0.35mm Layout: 5×5,5×6,4×8,3×8,etc, space between can be customized Package: 200 pieces prelams/carton
RFID Dual interface cards is a CPU card supporting both contact and contactless communication, the two interfaces are cotrolled by CPU to swith between contact/contactless modes. When used in contact mode card comply with ISO/IEC 7816 стандарт, In contactless mode it meets ISO/IEC 14443 стандарт. Dual-Interface Inlay--Double interface tin slice technology, Double interface conductive adhesive technology, Double interface pickline technology.
Асаблівасці The shape and size of the antenna can be adapted to specific needs, Customized layout and thickness Trimmed reference edges and optional printed cross marks to make the further process more easy.
Ужыванне Financial system, Pay card, Рашэнні адной карты, Бяспека, Public transportation card, Health insurance card, Loyalty programe etc.