Učestalost odgovora: 125KHz / 13,56MHz / 860 ~ 960MHz
protokol standard: ISO 14443A / ISO 15693 / ISO 18000-6C
RF čip: Ml S50, M1 S70, MF ULT10, MF ULT C, EM4102, EM4200, EM4305, TK4100, T5577, FM11RF08, Alien H3, itd.
Cardbody Material: PVC
dimenzija: ISO7816 CR80 85,60 × 53,98 × 0,80 mm ili prema zahtjevu kupca
Base file radijus: 3.18± 0.3mm.
The Embossed Card is a high-grade plastic card made by a special production process. The letter or pattern of the card surface is made into a relief embossing effect. The surface of the card is more vivid and vivid, adding the fashionable and noble feeling of the card. The micro-relief technology breaks through the limitations of traditional UV, and it is more realistic than the traditional UV, and avoids the problem of inaccurate positioning, and is more integrated with the card surface. This micro-relief process is often used to make elegant patterns as shading or embellishment, breaking through the monotony of the entire card surface, making the card bumpy and more textured. Types of microreliefs: word convex, side convex, line convex, grain convex and full convex. Na primjer, LOGO convex, pattern convex. The Embossed cards can embedded RFID chips be made into RFID cards, može se napraviti i od kartice s magnetnom trakom.
identifikacija, kontrole pristupa, kontrola ulaznih kanala, Poklon, Poslovna kartica, primjenjuju se na tržne centre, kartica za vrata hotela, barovi, restorani, kafići, bioskopa, kozmetički salon, mrežni kafići, igraonica, i drugim oblastima uslužne industrije.
Konkurentska prednost:
iskusnog osoblja;
odličan kvalitet;
Najbolja cijena;
Brza dostava;
Velikog kapaciteta i širok asortiman proizvoda;
Prihvati male poretka;
ODM i OEM proizvoda prema zahtevu kupca.