RFID, a tot el món.

JAVA Card/CPU Card/Dual Interface Card

» targeta RFID » JAVA Card/CPU Card/Dual Interface Card

40KB d'interfície dual NXP Java Card J3A041

JAVA Card/CPU Card/Dual Interface Card ,

model del producte: HCJA41

  • especificacions
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Principals paràmetres tècnics
tipus: Dual Interface JAVA card
Memory Size: 40 KB
material: PVC
mida:85.5× 54 × 0,80 mm

The J3A041 40K card from NXP is a Java Card with 40K of EEPROM memory. Designed with dual interface functionality, has a operating system called JCOP J3 V2.4.1, the card features 1K MIFARE implementation. Replacing the popular JCOP 31 targeta, the J3A features significantly faster contactless communication and updated cryptography standards.
The J3A is an implementation of the Java Card 2.2.2 and Global Platform 2.1.1 basic specifications and is ISO 7816 and EMV 2000 compliant where required.
Plain white cards. This card cannot be SIM cut.

Les aplicacions típiques
Bank card, Citizen card, Electronic passports and documents, Pay TV, Digital signature CA, etc..

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