RFID, a tot el món.


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Imprimeix etiquetes RFID directament als articles i genera dades


Imprimeix etiquetes RFID directament als articles i genera dades

Imprimeix etiquetes RFID directament als articles i genera dades. Shenzhen Seabreeze Smart Card Co., Ltd.

Modern technology uses printing to produce RFID labels and data, the ancient technology docking digital, cloud computing and Internet of Things era, the RFID antenna is directly printed on the item labeling, RFID generation, variable data, labeling and data collection at the same time of printing, and then printing + pasting integrated automatic labeling machine, printing label surface information, writing RFID information, and finally automatic labeling.

                                                     (Font: Shehzhen Seabreeze Smart Card Co.,Ltd.)

Potser com també

  • nostre Servei

    RFID / IO / Control d'Accés
    LF / HF / UHF
    Targeta / etiqueta / Embotit / etiqueta
    Canellera / clauer
    R / W Device
    solució RFID
    OEM / ODM

  • empresa

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  • contacti'ns

    tel:0086 755 89823301