material: PVC+Crystal Epoxy
Common Epoxy Tag size
Ordinary Epoxy Card
Rectangular: 50× 30mm, 42×26mm
Square: 3535 mm ×, 40× 40mm
Round: diameter 35mm, diameter 40mm
Edged Epoxy Card
Rectangular: 50× 30mm, packet edged finished product 55×35mm; 42×26mm, packet edged finished product 47×31mm
Square: 3535 mm ×, packet edged finished product 40×40mm; 40× 40mm, packet edged finished product 45×45mm
Round: diameter 35mm, packet edged finished product 40mm; diameter 40mm, packet edged finished product 45mm
Water droplets type: 36×28mm, packet edged finished product 41×33mm
Transparent Edging Epoxy Card can be printed with a variety of materials, the surface is made of high-grade crystal epoxy, impermeable, dust-proof, bubble-free, transparency such as glass, exquisite appearance, vivid image, colorit, fàcil de portar, no és fàcil de portar, can package all kinds of RFID smart chips, tal com: crystal epoxy keychain, Epoxy VIP card, Epoxy mobile payment card, mobile phone pendant card, can customize your favorite patterns and shapes according to customers' wishes.
School student management, community management, control d'accés d'assistència, identificació, identificació del producte, sistemes de consum, business gifts, cartoon accessories, Solucions amb una targeta, bus cards, etc..
Avantatge competitiu:
El personal experimentat;
excel·lent qualitat;
El millor preu;
Entrega ràpida;
de gran capacitat i una àmplia gamma de productes;
Accepteu la petita ordre;
productes ODM i OEM d'acord a la demanda del client.
RFID Crystal Epoxy Tag Production Video (ID tag, PET tag, Access Control tag, Asset Management tag)