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Elfin Inteligentní Controller Dveře Time Recorder, Inteligentní Účast Access Control Reader

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Modelka: FA-168

Password keyboard, text display, single access control, účast, two door access controller functions in one.

  • Specifikace
  • Popis

Pracovní napětí: DC 8 ~ 15V
Spotřeba energie: <1W
Ukládání dat: >10 léta (Po výpadku elektrického proudu)
celková rec: 25000 kousky (nastavitelný)
řídicí karta: 2500 kousky (nastavitelný)
rozlišení LCD: 122× 32 TEČKY
Vestavěný slovní základny: 16× 16 národní třída dvě charakter základny.
režim komunikace: jeden RS485
Wiegand 26 přístav: Dva
výstup relé: Dva
stav vstupu: Čtyři
Typ čtení karty: EM kompatibilní nebo Mifare kompatibilní
indukční vzdálenost: 4~ 15 cm
síťových kapacit: 255 soupravy
Pracovní teplota: -20℃ ~ + 70 ℃
pracovní vlhkost: 20%~ 90%
skladovací teplota: -25℃ ~ + 85 ℃
Dimenze: L120 x W88 x H 18 mm
Hmotnost: 160G

FA-168 "Elfin" is an intelligent access control attendance all-in-one machine developed by Seabreeze Smart Card Co.,Ltd, which includes hardware and management software to form a complete access control and attendance management system. It is integrated with time recorder, PWD door controller, single-door controller, reader with Chinese and English character display and double door controller. It is widely used in door controller, time recorder, real-time patrol and parking lot etc, suitable for large, medium and small companies, továrny, školy, apartments, residential areas, atd.

Main function features
1. All-purpose and wide application
The product is integrated with PWD keyboard, reader in Chinese, single door controller, time recorder and double door controller. It is optional of button and no button, computer white and champagne color. The product is a new-generation production with high performance rate that can meet various customers’ demand.
2. Advanced technology, stable and reliable.
All input and output pots can prevent shock from static and power. It has strong anti-interference ability and has power failure resisting design. The PCB board has moisture proof and corrosion protection and can adapt to different rough whether.
3. Dynamic definition, flexible application
One build-in card reader (EM or Mifare), two sets of W26 interface, two sets of sensor input, two sets of button input, two sets of relay output, one set of bell port and one set of RS485 communication interface.
Re-define the IO interface. Například, W26 port will be defined as W26 standard output or input, the relay can be defined as door controller, bell or alm output, the sensor can be defined as fire alm signal.
4. Chinese-English menu, easy application
Chinese-English Menu port with light, display the owner’s name and work number.
Issue public short message and personal short message
16 alm times are available. The alm supports working day setting
The clock modification parameter can ensure the correction of time for a long time.
It can be networked (255 sets at most) and also be in off-line. It can complete the parameter setting by keyboard when is in off-line.
5. Professional door controller, powerful function
Door control: 2 doors, standard wiegand 26 interface. It can connect with world famous reader such as HID and Motorola.
Podpěra, podpora 2500 card holders and store 25000 pieces of card reading information and alm events.
32 time periods/64 time sets/16 application groups/8 types of holidays/validity period for card/card PIN (6 numbers)
The product has two layers of A.P.B and mutual lock when the hardware is off-line. (Open only one door for each time)
Only PIN, only card and card & PIN are available. It can also support duress PIN and super PIN.
Soft control of any door, various alarm incidents functions: open time-out, close time-out, intrude alarm, force alarm, burglar alarm and fire alarm etc.

Možná, že se vám líbí také

  • Naše služba

    RFID / IoT / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Card / den / vložka / Label
    Potítko / klíčenka
    R / W zařízení
    RFID řešení
    OEM / ODM

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