RFID, ĉie en la mondo.

Aliaj IoT Produktoj

» Aliaj IoT Produktoj

  • Specifoj
  • Priskribo

frekvenco: AM134.2KHz
Supporting agreement: MODBUS, ISO11784 / ISO11785, FDX-B, EMID
komunikado interfaco: UART, support RS232/RS485
Voltage: 3.3~5.5V
laborante aktuala: About 200mA, 5V power supply
Baud indico: 9600bps
Antenna inductance: 100uH
Reader speed: 30mS
Read/writ distance: >20cm
laborante temperaturo: -40℃ ~ + 85 ℃
grandeco: 44*35*2mm

The FT-252 model AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) module is developed by Seabreeze Smart Card Co.,Ltd according to market demand. The module has the characteristics of sensitive induction, small size and high cost performance. It is widely used in the field of intelligent robot and AGV forklift development.

Material transportation management, robot AGV positioning cruise, staff access control attendance, manufacturing automation, asset tracking, magazena administrado, animal behavior collection, arowana management, forestry tree management

Eble vi ŝatas ankaŭ

  • nia Servo

    RFID / IoT / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Karto / Tag / Inkrustaĵolaboro / Etikedo
    Wristband / Keychain
    R / W Aparato
    RFID Solvo
    OEM / ODM

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