RFID, ĉie en la mondo.

Animal Identification

» Animal Identification

  • Specifoj
  • Priskribo

Produkta parametroj
IC blato: EM4305
mastruma frekvenco: 134.2KHz
komunikado protokolo: ISO 11784/11785, FDX-B
On-chip memory: 512pecoj
Chemical Resistance: IP67 compliant, sunprotekto, water resistance
Physical resistance: Shock resistant – IEC 68-2-27, Vibration resistant – IEC 68-2-6
stokado temperaturo: -40° C ~ + 90 ° C
laborante temperaturo: -20° C ~ + 50 ° C
Female tag 18±0.1×6.3±0.1mm
Male 13.5±0.1×1.5±0.1mm
materialo: High quality PU
koloro: ruĝa, flava, blanka, green or custom color
Tag weight: 1.5±0.1g

Rabbit special electronic ear tags, using high-quality PU material package, long reading distance, facila por instali. It is also possible to customize the HF 13.56MHz or UHF 860~960MHz. Can be printed LOGO, mastron, ktp.

Produktaj trajtoj
Electronic ear tags designed for rabbits
Special process manufacturing, sealed high-performance RFID coil, long reading distance, handheld reading distance up to 15cm
Encapsulated with high quality PU material
The surface can be laser sprayed with digital or two-dimensional codes to assist in identification

Eble vi ŝatas ankaŭ

  • nia Servo

    RFID / IoT / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Karto / Tag / Inkrustaĵolaboro / Etikedo
    Wristband / Keychain
    R / W Aparato
    RFID Solvo
    OEM / ODM

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