Parámetros principales de tarjetas RFID de banda magnética
frecuencia de respuesta: 125KHz / 13,56 MHz / 860 ~ 960MHz
estándar del protocolo: ISO 14443, ISO 15693, ISO 18000-6C / 6B
chip RFID: Mifare 1K S50, Mifare 4K S70, Mifare Ultralight10, Mifare UltralightC, I CODE SLI / SLI-S / SLI-L / SLIX, Mifare Desfire2K / 4K / 8K, Mifare PLUS2K / 4K, Ti2048, EM4200, EM4305, EM4450, EM4102, TK4100, T5557, T5577, CET5500, Hitagl, hitag2, Hitags, FMl208(UPC), H3 de alien, Impinj M5, etc..
resistencia de fuerza coercitiva:
banda magnética común (LoCo): 300 OE
Alta banda magnética (HiCo): 2750 OE o 4000 OE
color de la tira magnética: negro, marrón, rojo, verde, etc opcional
anchura de la banda magnética: 12,5 mm estándar o 8mm
Vida de servicio: > 2000 veces
Temperatura: 130± 10 ℃(266± 50 ℉)
Dimensión: ISO7816 CR80 85.60 x 53.98 x 0.80 mm o de acuerdo a requerimiento del cliente
radio de empalme Base: 3.18± 0,3 mm.
material de Cardbody: PVC / PET / PETG / ABS, 0.13alambre de cobre mm
proceso de encapsulación: línea de planta automática ultrasónica automática, soldadura toque
1, Magnetic strip cards classification: Magnetic strip type: General low coercivity magnetic cards (300 OE) High coercivity magnetic cards(HiCo): (3500 OE) Directly applied to the printed type: Low coercivity magnetic cards(LoCo): (300 OE) (eg: entradas para el parque ) High coercivity magnetic cards(HiCo): (2700 OE) (eg: Metro cards, phone cards )
Descripción: Magnetic resistance: resistance is used to measure magnetic strip data loss due to affected by external magnetic field hospital's ability to offset and resistance to demagnetization. Magnetic resistance (coercive force) unit is the OE(Oersted); Low resistance to magnetic strip: General anti-degaussing of magnetic strip, magnetic generally 300-650(OE); High resistance to magnetic strip: high resistance to magnetic strip, magnetic anti typically 2750(OE), 3500(OE) y 4000(OE)
2, Magnetic strip and magnetic track: Each strip card data has been written at the factory, there are three tracks on the magnetic strip. Pista 1 and Track 2 is read-only track when using the information recorded on the track only allowed to write or read and modify. Pista 3 is a track write, leer, in use, can also be written.
Pista 1 can record numbers (0-9 ), letras (A-Z), and other symbols such as brackets, separators, etcétera, the maximum recorded 79 numbers or letters. Pista 2 y 3 characters recorded only numbers (0-9 ). Pista 2 recorded maximum 40 caracteres 3 tracks recorded 107 characters maximum.
3, Safety and magnetic strip card problems
UN, card confidentiality and security is poor. Information on the magnetic strip is easier to read, the contents of the magnetic strip on the illegal modification is also easier, so in most cases the static magnetic strip cards are used as data input. Although the first three tracks can read and write, and have the amount field, it is only for a small amount of application areas, such as phone cards.
segundo, using the magnetic strip card application systems need to support reliable computer system and the central database. In the financial sector, as a financial transaction card, magnetic strip cards, usually with a strong, reliable computer network systems, the amount, transaction records and other information are stored in a computer database of financial institutions, the cards held only provides the user the primary user account and other index information to facilitate users to quickly find the data in the database.
Magnetic strip cards can also be encapsulation chips made into RFID card. Also in the card surface hot laser gold or laser silver, barcode printing, hit convex code, etc..
Ventaja competitiva:
Personal experimentado;
Excelente calidad;
Mejor precio;
Entrega rápida;
de gran capacidad y una amplia gama de productos;
Acepte la pequeña orden;
productos de ODM y OEM según los requerimientos del cliente.
Impresión: Impresión offset, La impresión serigráfica, La impresión térmica, impresión de inyección de tinta, Impresión digital.
Características de seguridad: Filigrana, Ablación laser, Holograma / OVD, tinta UV, tinta Variable Optical, código de barras oculto / máscara de código de barras, graduada del arco iris, Micro-texto.
Otros: inicialización de datos del chip / Cifrado, banda magnética personalizada programada, El panel de firma, Código de barras, Número de serie, Realce, código del Departamento de Defensa, NBS código convexa, Troquelada.