Isikupärastamise valikud: suurus ja spetsifikatsioonid, paksus, kuju(Kaart/silt või Prelam Inlay), pinnatrükk, laseri number, andmete kirjutamine, ja muud spetsiaalsed tootmisprotsessid.
Peamised tehnilised parameetrid protokolli standardid: ISO 11785 / ISO 11784, ISO 14443 TypeA / B, ISO 15693, ISO 18000-6B / 6C chip sagedus: LF 125 KHz / 134,2 KHz / HF 13,56MHz / UHF 860 ~ 960MHz chip Type: MF S50 / S70, MF ULT10, MF ULT C, ICODE2 SLI / SLI-S / L-SLI / Slix, MF DesFi 2K / 4k / 8K, Ti2048, EM4102, EM4200, EM4305, EM4450, TK4100, T5557, CET5500, Hitagl, Hitag2, Hitags, FMl208 (Protsessor),jne. Reading kaugus: LF / HF 2.5 ~ 10cm UHF 1 ~ 10M(Vastavalt lugeja antenni ja taotluse keskkondades) lugemise ajal: 1-2Prl Töötemperatuur: -20℃ ~ + 80 ℃ Tööniiskus: 0-95% vastupidavus: >100,000 korda andmete säilitamine: >10 aastat mõõdud: ISO standard kaardi L85.6mm × W54mm või täpsustada suurus,kuju Pakkematerjalid: PETG,0.13mm vasktraati või söövitatud alumiiniumist pakendamise protsessis: ultraheli auto taimeliinides / automaat keevitus
The card made of PETG material has the advantages of impact resistance, high and low temperature resistance, antistatic, abrasion resistance, folding resistance, high strength, excellent oil and chemical resistance, and is not subject to erosion by acids, alkalis, and oil. Low flammability, good fire resistance, no combustion support, low smoke output, no harmful substances after burning. Suitable for credit cards, pangakaardid, ettemakstud kaardid, Üks kaart Solutions, smart ID cards, all-in-one cards, high-end packaging, high-end printing, jne. PETG complies with environmental protection and food FDA certification concepts. PETG has been used more and more in the card industry because of its lower processing temperature, higher mechanical strength and excellent flexibility, higher transparency than PVC, good gloss, easy printing and green environmental protection. In Europe, the United States, and Japan, PETG materials are widely used in electronic payment and identification documents, and high-end identification cards. VISA has recognized PETG as its card base material.
Konkurentsieelis: kogenud personal; suurepärane kvaliteet; Parim hind; Kiire kohaletoomine; Suure võimsusega ja laia valikut tooteid; Nõus väike, et; ODM ja OEM tooteid vastavalt kliendi nõudlus.