Riistvara funktsioonid:
Pood 600,000 inspection records
LED-ekraan Super-strong aviation aluminum structure, kõva oksüdatsioonitöötlus pinnal, vabalangemine 4 meters without damage
Software advantages:
1, saate kasutada juurdepääsu ACCESS või SQL andmebaasile, kui valite SQL-i andmebaasi, saab andmete jagamist täiuslikult toetada, andmete jagamiseks mugav mitu arvutit.
2, tarkvaraliides lihtne, the use function is clear, general customers can get started immediately.
3, use very simple of process design, you only need to enter a simple information point data can be normal use of the software.
System Introduction Guard tour(patrull) management system is mainly used for recording information for different kinds of guard and routing inspection. It contains software, reader, and Information/ID buttons (or tags). The working principle of this system is: by installing information buttons (or tags) that represent different locations along the route, guards can sign in at certain checkpoints by using the reader. The number of the card and the time which represent this checkpoint can then be recorded. After checking, the information in reader can be transferred to the computer and processed by software via communication station, so that the information such as location and time can be recorded and checked. This software can use ACCESS or SQL database, installation is simple and convenient.
Main functions of the Management Software: Information button to register, patrol line set, patrol shifts setting, report query, search interval setting, jne.
Riistvara funktsioonid
Pood 600,000 inspection records
LED-ekraan Super-strong aviation aluminum structure, kõva oksüdatsioonitöötlus pinnal, vabalangemine 4 meters without damage
Software advantages:
1, saate kasutada juurdepääsu ACCESS või SQL andmebaasile, kui valite SQL-i andmebaasi, saab andmete jagamist täiuslikult toetada, andmete jagamiseks mugav mitu arvutit
2, tarkvaraliides lihtne, the use function is clear, general customers can get started immediately.
3, use very simple of process design, you only need to enter a simple information point data can be normal use of the software