RFID txipa: I·CODE SLI+EM4102(or TK4100)
Maiztasuna: LF 125KHz, HF 13,56 MHz I·CODE SLI chip memory capacity: 1024pixka bat, 32 partitions, the only ID 64bit serial number I·CODE SLI chip production standards: ISO 15693 I·CODE SLI chip Read and Write distance: 1.5M (related to the antenna size and card reader) ID chip Read and Write distance: 2.5~10 cm (related to the antenna size and card reader)
Irakurtzeko eta idazteko denbora: 1~2 ms
Laneko tenperatura: -20℃ ~ + 85 ℃(humidity 90%)
Erresistentzia: >100,000 aldiz
Datuak gordetzea: >10 urteak
Neurria: 85.5×54×0,84mm, or customer specified size
Materialak: PVC/ABS/PET/PETG/Papera, 0.13 kobrezko alanbrea Production process: ultrasonic wave auto plant lines / Automatic Welding
This I·CODE SLI chip+EM4102 chip Composite card is compounded by high frequency and low frequency chip, is one of the high technical content, the most complete of function of smart induction cards. Main features is the "one card is multi-purpose", higadurari erresistentea, safe, convenient and quick.Purpose: access control cards, parking, cafeteria dining cards, VIP cards and other community members, banks, schools and government agencies. There are many schools used this dual-frequency identification card for students and school internal affairs management. I·CODE SLI chip China is often called I CODE 2 chip.
Abantaila lehiakorra:
Esperientziadun Langileak;
Kalitate bikaina;
Preziorik onena;
Entrega azkarra;
Edukiera handia eta produktu sorta zabala;
Onartu eskaera txikia;
ODM eta OEM produktuak bezeroaren eskariaren arabera.
Inprimaketa: Offset Inprimaketa, Serigrafia, Inprimaketa termikoa, Tinta-jetaren inprimaketa, Inprimaketa digitala.
Segurtasun ezaugarriak: Ur-marka, Laser ablazioa, Holograma/OVD, UV tinta, Aldagai optikoko tinta, Ezkutuko barra-kode/barra-kode maskara, Ostadarra mailakatua, Mikrotestua.
Beste batzuk: Txiparen datuen hasierako/enkriptatzea, Banda magnetiko pertsonalizatua programatuta, Sinadura panela, Barra-kodea, Serie zenbakia, Errepresioa, DOD kodea, NBS kode ganbila, Trokelatua.