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Sarbide Kontrola

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Long Distance 125KHz Access Control Reader Module, Arduino, Wiegand output

Sarbide Kontrola, Modulua / Antena ,

Produktuen eredua: SM-WL125

Low-cost high-performance access control reader module, long-distance Access Control & Identifikazioa solutions wise options.

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Parametro tekniko nagusiak
Funtzionamendu maiztasuna: 125KHz
Applicable chip: EM4100, EM4102, TK4001, TK4100, EM4305, etab.
Output interface: serial port & Wiegand 26
Lan tentsioa: DC 3.5V~6V
Lan korrontea: 25mA
Read clew: Buzzer and LED light output pin
Irakurri distantzia: ID thick card 40cm (associated with antenna and environment)
Module size: 16×24mm
Module weight: 10g


Fields marked with an * are required

SM-WL125 Long Distance 125KHz Access Control Reader Module is SeabreezeRFID Ltd. research and development the high sensitivity of low power consumption low frequency read module, decoding ability strong, industrial-grade, large quantities of mature and stable product, discrete component structures of the read card circuit, the card read performance far exceeds the EM4095, 2270 reader chip.

Produktuaren ezaugarriak
Support access standard Wiegand 26 output format, suitable for access control transformation!
CPU decoding, directly serial port 9600 baud rate TTL level output, can also choose to Wiegand 26 output.
Buzzer, LED light clew output pin.
Tamaina txikia, the antenna can be arbitrary collocation (support voluntarily winding).
Test standard EM thick card, diameter 45mm antenna read distance can reach 25cm! 97x97mm antenna read distance can reach 40cm!

(Enbalatzea: include 1 piece 97x97mm antenna)

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    RFID / IoT / Sarbide Kontrola
    LF / HF / UHF
    Txartela / Etiketa / Inkrustazioa / Etiketa
    Eskumuturra / giltzatakoa
    I / G gailua
    RFID irtenbidea
    OEM / ODM

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