RFID, munduko leku guztietan.

Segurtasun Nortasun Agiria

» RFID txartela » Segurtasun Nortasun Agiria

RFID O.V.I.Print Efektu Txartela, Inprimatze optikoko tinta aldakorra faltsutzearen aurkako txartela

Segurtasun Nortasun Agiria , , , , ,

Produktuen eredua: H1047

Top-grade business gift cards, club membership cards, RFID water card, oil and gas card, VIP cards.

  • Zehaztapenak
  • Deskribapena
  • Eskulangintza Aviable

Erantzun maiztasuna: 125KHz/13,56MHz/860~960MHz
Standard: ISO 14443, ISO 15693, ISO 18000-6C/6B
Txipa: Mifare 1K S50, Mifare 4K S70, Mifareultralight10, MifareultralightC, I CODE SLI/SLI-S/SLI-L/SLIX, MifareDesfire2K/4k/8K, MFlPLUS2K/4K, Ti2048, EM4200, EM4305, EM4450, EM4102, TK4100, T5577, CET5500, Hitagl, Hitag2, Hitags, FM1208(CPU), Alien H3, Impinj M5, etab.
Dimentsioa: ISO7816 CR80 85.60×53.98×0.80mm or According to customer requirment
Oinarrizko zerraren erradioa: 3.18± 0,3 mm.
Kartoizko materiala: PVC/PET/PETG/ABS/Paper, 0.13mm kobrezko alanbrea
Kapsulatzeko prozesua: Ultrasoinu automatikoko landare-lerro automatikoa, ukitzeko soldadura

O.V.I. namely Optical Variable Ink, when the printed optical variable ink pattern rotate from left to right,it will change from green to gold or the gold to green,the color can be divided into purple,gorria,urdina,berdea,gold and so on.
Optical variable ink, also known as a chameleon, print color piece presents a pair of color, good example: red-green, green-blue, gold-silver, etab. Under the white light is watching or side, with the change of the human eye perspective, presents two kinds of different colors, light become strong features, color change is big, obvious trait, don't need any equipment can be identified, the effect can't use any high definition from the Angle of color scanner, color copiers and other equipment to copy,printing characters cannot mimic any other inks and printing processes, anti-counterfeiting and security reliability is extremely strong, so this designation is more country in the world for the most strict, the most difficult on the anti-counterfeiting of currency and securities, some well-known domestic manufacturers also have been used for anti-counterfeiting packing.
Optical variable ink printed PVC cards, mainly for the prepaid card, debit card, upscale VIP membership, important security and other high-grade PVC card.
O.V.I.printing effect cards embed RFID chips can also be made of RFID cards, achieve a variety of anti-counterfeiting security purposes.


Abantaila lehiakorra:
Esperientziadun Langileak;
Kalitate bikaina;
Preziorik onena;
Entrega azkarra;
Edukiera handia eta produktu sorta zabala;
Onartu eskaera txikia;
ODM eta OEM produktuak bezeroaren eskariaren arabera.


Inprimaketa: Offset Inprimaketa, Patone tinta inprimatzea, Leku-koloreko inprimaketa, Serigrafia, Inprimaketa termikoa, Tinta-jetaren inprimaketa, Inprimaketa digitala.
Segurtasun ezaugarriak: Ur-marka, Laser ablazioa, Holograma/OVD, UV tinta, Aldagai optikoko tinta, Ezkutuko barra-kode/barra-kode maskara, Ostadarra mailakatua, Mikrotestua, Guilloche, Hot stamping.
Beste batzuk: IC txiparen datuen hasierako/enkriptatzea, Datu aldagaiak, Banda magnetiko pertsonalizatua programatuta, Sinadura panela, Barra-kodea, Serie zenbakia, Errepresioa, DOD kodea, NBS kode ganbila, Trokelatua.

Agian ere gustuko duzu

  • Produktuen Kategoriak

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  • Gure Zerbitzua

    RFID / IoT / Sarbide Kontrola
    LF / HF / UHF
    Txartela / Etiketa / Inkrustazioa / Etiketa
    Eskumuturra / giltzatakoa
    I / G gailua
    RFID irtenbidea
    OEM / ODM

  • Enpresa

    Guri buruz
    Sakatu & Komunikabideak
    Albisteak / Blogak
    Sariak & Iritziak
    Kidea Programa

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    Tel:0086 755 89823301