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» RFID etiketa dedikatua » Eskainitako beste etiketa bat

RFID Transparent PVC Coin Tag

Eskainitako beste etiketa bat , , ,

All contactless RFID chips can be encapsulated, so the RFID Coin Card to adapt to a very wide range.

  • Zehaztapenak
  • Deskribapena

RFID txipa: TK4100, TK4001, T5557, T5577, EM4100, EM4305, OF, Mifare 1k S50, Mifare 4k S70, Icode2, UtraLight, FM11RF08, Alien H3,etc
Neurria: Φ14/20mm/25mm/30mm, thickness 0.35~4mm (Or the designated size )
Memoria: 64bits/330bits/1kbyte
Lan maiztasuna: 125KHz/134.2KHz/13.56MHz/860~960MHz
Komunikazio-protokoloa: ISO18000-2, ISO 11784,Zerbitzu pertsonalizatuak ere eskain ditzake zure ideia eta behar esklusiboak asetzeko,ISO 11785, ISO14443A, ISO15693, ISO 18000-6C/6B
R/W distantzia: 2~10 cm, UHF coin tag read distance 10~100cm
R/W ordua: 1~2 ms
Laneko tenperatura: -20℃ ~ + 85 ℃
Ezaba daitezkeen garaiak: >100,000 aldiz
Datuak biltegiratzea: >10 urteak
Materiala: Transparent PVC
Production process: shell encapsulation chips and coil, ultrasonic welding
IP protection grade: IP67/IP68
Pisua: 1g-4g

RFID PVC Coin Card (or Coin Card Tag, Round Card, PVC Waterproof Card, RFID Transparent PVC Coin Card, RFID Circular Card) are made of high quality PVC materials, chips, coils and other materials. They are produced through professional laminating equipment and are structurally sound and completely waterproof. The coin card can be used as a RFID electronic part of the independent installation of other objects to play a wireless identification role.
All contactless RFID chips can be encapsulated, so the RFID Coin Card to adapt to a very wide range.
Surface to print patterns, LOGO or spray ID number, QR Code, hautsaren aurkakoa, iragazgaitza, bibrazioen aurkakoa, the product can also be perforated. The Transparent PVC Coin Tag with 3M adhesive in back, easy to paste.

RFID chip selection
Various RFID chips (EM4100, EM4102, TK4100, Atmel T5557, Atmel T5567, Atmel T5577, EM4069, EM4150, HITAG1, HITAG2, HITAGS, 88RF25612, Mifare 1K S50, Mifare 4K S70, 1-CODE-11, LEGIC MIM256, SR176, SR1X4K, ULTRALIGHT, TI2048, ISO 18000-6C, ISO 18000-6B). From low-frequency 125KHz read-only ID chips, AtmelT5567, Hitag series, to high frequency 13.56MHz Mifare, I code SLI, etab., as well as UHF PVC coin card.

Solid PVC laminating process, can do the custom printing of 2 patterns (such as LOGO, portraits, color patterns, etab.);
Tamaina txikia, ideal for a variety of industrial items identification and logistics projects;
Available in a variety of sizes and options available (diameter 14/15/17/18/20/22/25/30/35/40 / 50mm or custom) with a thickness of 0.35 - 4.0mm or thicker;
The surface can mark the icon, Coding, ID code, laser kodea, DOD, chip serial number or other signs;
Dustproof, iragazgaitza, anti-corrosion, bibrazioen aurkakoa;
Small and exquisite appearance, iraunkorrak, ez itzali;
Anti-metal layer can be installed directly on the metal surface (RFID anti-metal coin tag);
Provide a variety of personalized produce technology.

One-Card Solutions, inbentarioen kudeaketa, property management, produktuaren identifikazioa, gaming chips, sarbide kontrola, logistics tracking, conference attendance, biological identification, object recognition, industrial automation, one-way ticket, subway ticket, identifikazioa, time and attendance systems, or made of anti-metal RFID card, affixed to the metal surface to use.


Abantaila lehiakorra:
Esperientziadun Langileak;
Kalitate bikaina;
Preziorik onena;
Entrega azkarra;
Edukiera handia eta produktu sorta zabala;
Onartu eskaera txikia;
ODM eta OEM produktuak bezeroaren eskariaren arabera.


Agian ere gustuko duzu

  • Produktuen Kategoriak

  • Partekatu lagunari

  • Gure Zerbitzua

    RFID / IoT / Sarbide Kontrola
    LF / HF / UHF
    Txartela / Etiketa / Inkrustazioa / Etiketa
    Eskumuturra / giltzatakoa
    I / G gailua
    RFID irtenbidea
    OEM / ODM

  • Enpresa

    Guri buruz
    Sakatu & Komunikabideak
    Albisteak / Blogak
    Sariak & Iritziak
    Kidea Programa

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