RFID, munduko leku guztietan.

Txartela inguruan / Osagarriak

» Txartela inguruan / Osagarriak

Supply Mifare 1k S50 Chip Grain, FM11RF08 Chip Wafer

Txartela inguruan / Osagarriak , , , , , , ,

Produktuen eredua: YY0120

FM11RF08 chip fully compatible with Mifare 1k S50 chip, the same performance, lower cost.

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Txipa: Mifare IC S50/FM11RF08
Accord with standard: ISO 14443A
Funtzionamendu maiztasuna: 13.56MHz
Rate communication: 106KBoud
Lan egiteko modua: pasiboa
Biltegiratzeko ahalmena: 1KB, 8Kbit, 16 partitions, each partition two password (1KB=8Kbit)
Irakurri tartea: 2.5~10 cm
Read and write time: 1~2 ms
Laneko tenperatura: -20℃~+55℃ (-4℉~+131℉)
Erasable life: >100000 aldiz
Datuak biltegiratzea: >10 urteak
Package style: Wafer/Chip Grain

Mifare IC S50 chip ( referred to as M1), a non- contact smart card chip in the vanguard, the operating frequency of 13.56MHz, and have the ability to read and write. Is the industry's first one can put ISO contactless smart card chip,with ultra-small coil also provides the ability to mass production. Gaur egun, the use of global Mifare IC S50 chip over two hundred million, with a contactless smart card market share of more than 85%. IC S50 has a high stability and a wide range of applications for a variety of manufacturing special tags and smart cards, is the access control card, identification tag, business card, pre-paid water meters, autobus txartela, highway fees, aparkaleku, residential area management, transportation cards, park tickets, highways and other preferred RFID products.

Supply Mifare 1k S50 Chip Grain, FM11RF08 Chip Wafer, Mifare IC S50 Chip Wafer, Mifare 1k S50 Chip Particles, FUDAN M1 Chip Wafer, MF1 S50 Chip Wafer, SeabreezeRFID LTD.


FM11RF08 chip (referred to as domestic M1), is developed by Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics Company first RFID chip products, is compatible with IC S50 chip. FM11RF08 chip quality, for many years to occupy a dominant market position. With stable performance, low rate of bad, low cost and other advantages.




SeabreezeRFID Company supplies all kinds of contactless RFID chips, contact chips and CPU card chips, low prices, stable quality, timely delivery.


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    RFID irtenbidea
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