Personalized options: the surface can be screen printed or laser engraved with patterns, LOGOA, ID number, two-dimensional code, etab. A variety of shapes, appearances and specifications, and a variety of shell colors are available.
Parametro teknikoak Maiztasuna: 13.56MHz Protokolo estandarra: ISO/IEC 14443A Memoria: 8kbit Komunikazio abiadura: 106kbit/s R/W distantzia: 2.5~10 cm (related to the antenna size and card reader) Irakurtzeko eta idazteko denbora: 1-2anderea Laneko tenperatura: -20℃ ~ + 85 ℃(humidity 90%) Erresistentzia: >100,000 aldiz Datuak gordetzea: >10 urteak Neurria: customer specified Packaging materials: ABS, 0.13 kobrezko alanbrea Packaging process: Ultrasonic wave auto plant lines/Automatic Welding
Common IC card chip 0 sectors curing in the factory, can not be modified. UID keychain is an IC chip that can repeatedly erase and modify the Mifare 1K S50 chip, the chip can modify any sector, you can repeatedly erase, you can rewrite 0 sectors and all sectors of the data, M1 cards can be achieved , S50 card replication, cloning function. Erasable modify serial number ID number. As the daughter card of M1 copy, it is mainly used in IC card copy. Keychain surface can be silk screen or laser engraving patterns, LOGOA, ID number, QR kodea,etab. A variety of appearance and specifications, a variety of colors optional.
Ezaugarri nagusia 1, the chip is fully compatible Mifare 1K S50 chip. 2, the Chip block 0 (UID where the block) can be modified, repeated changes. 3, block 0 directly using ordinary MIFARE reader modify, do not need special equipment. 4, the default password of the chip is 12 F, ie FFFFFFFFFFFF.
Main application Sarbide kontrola, parking, certification, asistentziaren kudeaketa, produktuaren identifikazioa, etab., in residential quarters, offices, factories, eskolak, hospitals and other non-contact IC card applications.
Abantaila lehiakorra: Esperientziadun Langileak; Kalitate bikaina; Preziorik onena; Entrega azkarra; Edukiera handia eta produktu sorta zabala; Onartu eskaera txikia; ODM eta OEM produktuak bezeroaren eskariaren arabera.