13.56 MHz RFID Chip korteille tai tunnisteiden
2048-bittinen luku / kirjoitus RFID EEPROM
ISO 14443-2 Tyypin B -yhteensopiva
Täysi ISO 14443-3 yhteensopiva törmäyksenestojakson
100,000 ajat Kirjoita Cycle Luotettavuus
3ms Kirjoita Time
Salasana ja Lockwrite Protection
82 pF säätökondensaattoriin
0° C ~ + 70 ° C Käyttö
korttikoko: 85.5× 54 x 0,84 mm, tai asiakkaan määrämittaan
Pakkausmateriaalit: PVC / ABS / PET / PETG / Paperi, 0.13 kuparilanka
pakkaus prosessi: ultraääni aalto auto kasvilinjoilla / Automaattinen Hitsaus
AT88RF020 chip is American ATMEL company's products.The AT88RF020 is a low-end 13.56 MHz RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) device that includes an on-chip EEPROM-based (non-volatile) memory. The wireless interface complies with Type B operation of ISO/IEC 14443. The specific sections of compliance are 14443-1, as well as 14443-2:1999(E) (dated 5/2/00) ja 14443-3:2000(E) (dated 7/13/00). This device is designed to be used in applications where one or more RFID deviceswill be simultaneously placed within an intelligent reader/writer RF field. Communication between the RF reader/writer and this device will take place through the use of the featured anticollision command set supported by this device. The memory contains a total of 2048 bitit, järjestetty nimellä 32 64-bit pages. Write operations are designed to complete in less than three milliseconds (neiti). The endurance rating for the memory is 100,000 write cycles per byte. AT88RF020 chip supports these security features: password checking, data locking, a oneway counter and a guaranteed unique serial number. The AT88RF020 chip includes an on-chip internal tuning capacitor that enables it to operate with a single external coil antenna. This antenna completes the RFID channel.
tyypillisiä sovelluksia Enterprise and school id, school dining cards, logistics and supply management, Product manufacturing and assembly, Airline baggage handling, Mail/express parcel handling, Document tracking/library management, Animal identification, Movement time, kulunvalvonta, sähköinen lippu, subway ticket cards, Road automatic charging, jne.
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