Sopiva taajuus: 125KHz / 134,2, 13.56MHz
protokollastandardi: ISO14443A B, ISO15693
Siru: Texas Instruments TI, Philips NXP, Fudanin FM11RF08, EM TK henkilökortti
Raaka materiaali: kumi + ferriitti + harvinaisen metallin
Koko: Standard luottokortin kokoinen 85,5 * 54 * 1mm (± 0,05 mm)
Paksuus: Ohuin 0.3mm, 0.5mm, 1.0mm, 1.5mm, 2.0mm, 3.0mm, jne., voidaan räätälöidä asiakkaan koosta tai muu erityinen muottikoko
liimalla: voidaan räätälöidä yksipuolista teippiä, tai kaksipuolinen teippi, tai 3M liimaa toisella puolella on tavallinen valkoinen liima, hinta mukautetun nauha kasvaa hieman
Paino: 12g
Työskentelylämpötila: -20℃ ~ + 60 ℃
Säilytyslämpötila: -45℃ ~ + 85 ℃
Suhteellinen kosteus: 5%-80%
RFID anti-metal magnetic cloth material (125KHz / 134,2, 13.56MHz) is also known as ferrite magnetic cloth, metal-proof magnetic cloth, metal isolation material, electromagnetic wave isolation material, electronic anti-interference magnetic cloth, commonly known as "magnetic cloth". It is made of special soft magnetic rubber and rare metal powder. It is mainly used in RFID smart cards, elektroniset tunnisteet, card readers, jne. for electromagnetic shielding, electromagnetic wave anti-metal interference, anti-electromagnetic interference and other fields. The principle is to paste on the surface of metal or battery, separate a variety of RFID low-frequency electronic tags, high-frequency electronic tags, smart cards, jne., for electromagnetic shielding, frequency conversion and so on. The technical problem is solved that the RFID electronic tag can not be attached to the metal surface or the card reader cannot be closely attached to the metal wall surface. Materials can be customized according to customer requirements for small size, different shapes, different specifications, punching, trimming and so on.
Huomautus: Some old style card reader nees 2 pieces anti-metal magnetic cloth.
Tunnistusjärjestelmä Warehouse inventory management system Power inspection system Access control attendance management system