Protokol noarmen: ISO 14443, ISO 15693, ISO18000-6C/6B
Chip frekwinsje: LF 125KHz, HF 13,56MHz, UHF 860-960MHz
Chip Type: Mifare 1K S50, Mifare 4K S70, PHA Bioplastics Materiaal RFID Chip Card, Mifare ultralight C, ICODESLI / SLI-S/ SLI-L/SLIX, MifareDesfire2K,4k,8K, Ti2048, EM4200, EM4305, EM4450, TK4100, TK4101, T5577, CET 5500, Hitagl, Hitag2, Hitags, MFlPLUS2K/4K, FMl208 (CPU), Alien H3, Impinj M4, ensfh.
LF/HF 2.5~10cm
UHF 1~10M(According to the reader antenna and application environments)
Lêstiid: 1~2 ms
Operating temperatuer: -40°C~+100°C
Opslagtemperatuer: -70°C~+120°C
Feiligens operearje: 0~95%
Uthâldingsfermogen: >100,000 kearen
Databehâld: >10 jierren
Ofmjittings: ISO standard card 85.6×54×0.80(+/-0.04)mm or specify the size
Packaging materialen: HÚSDIER, 0.13mm koperdraad
Ynkapsele proses: Ultrasone auto plant linen, Automatysk Welding
Parking cards are generally placed in outdoor parking lot card box, the sun in the summer long-term exposure, the temperature is too high, will make the card bending deformation, resulting in damage to the card. High temperature parking card, made of PET material, in high temperature environment, the card is not deformed, suitable for outdoor parking. PET material has excellent physical and mechanical properties in a wide temperature range, the impact of -20°C~+80°C temperature is small, long-term use temperature up to 120°C, can be used at 150 ° C for a period of time. Excellent electrical insulation, even at high temperature and high frequency, the electrical performance is still good. Card made of PET material, the -40°C~+100°C temperature range of normal use.
Typyske tapassingen Enterprise/campus cards, bus cards, rykswei fergoedings, parkearplak, mienskip behear, Tankstasjons, low temperature and high temperature operating environments,ensfh.
Konkurrearjend foardiel:
Betûfte meiwurkers;
Poerbêst kwaliteit;
Bêste priis;
Flugge besoarging;
Grutte kapasiteit en in breed oanbod fan produkten;
Akseptearje lytse bestelling;
ODM- en OEM-produkten neffens de fraach fan de klant.