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Bidh teicneòlas RFID agus NFC a’ cumail sùil air soithichean meatailt
Although RFID technology is widely used, tha mòran chompanaidhean no dhaoine fa-leth ann fhathast a tha air a bhith a’ sireadh fuasglaidhean RFID nas cumhachdaiche gus dèiligeadh ri cùisean cleachdaidh nas iom-fhillte, a tha comasach air làimhseachadh clàr-seilbhe ann an àrainneachdan dùbhlanach agus as urrainn ceangal ris an sgòth gus aithneachadh, dearbhadh, locate various products.
BY6230 series RFID cylinder tags are metal assets designed for various curved surfaces in supply chain, loidsistigs, riaghladh clàr-seilbhe, suitable for curved industrial recyclable transportation items such as bulk containers, gas cylinders and kegs. These tags can be affixed to steel containers for remote tracking, logistics and management from the warehouse to distribution and transportation, designed to enable Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities such as authenticating products and allowing customers to exchange information directly with items and suppliers via their smartphones.
Streamline workflows by using RFID technology to securely connect devices, inventory, and billions of other items to local and web-based business applications. The new cylinder series tags optimize the entire inventory lifecycle management process through the tracking of recyclable assets throughout the supply chain and real-time tracking information to customers, and the cloud-connected capabilities of the tags improve the customer’s reordering process and provide valuable marketing data to help optimize inventory and optimize marketing activities.
These RFID tags are designed to improve the efficiency of the operation of recyclable transported items while ensuring the safe transportation and return of these recyclables to steel containers. Distribution centers can use the tag’s RFID technology to manage the process of reusing, cleaning, and shipping recyclable cylinders. At the consumer point, NFC technology enables customers to identify product information inside the cylinder, product production and expiration dates, re-orders, and interact with suppliers, all of which can be done by customers through the NFC function on a smartphone or handheld terminal.
(Stòr: Shenzhen Seabreeze Smart Card Co., Ltd.)