Tricead obrachaidh: 100~150KHz
Comas cuimhne: 330buillean, 10 sgaraidhean, 8bit passwords
224 can read and write EEPROM, Cairt chip àbhaisteach Tag-it HF-I 7, 32bit each
Astar leughaidh: 3~ 10cm
Seasmhachd: > 100,000 amannan
Stòradh dàta: 10 bliadhna
Meud cairt: ISO standard thin cards / Cairt tricead ìosal HID / shaped cards
Stuthan pacaidh: PVC / ABS / PET / PETG IC Working temperature: -40℃ ~ + 85 ℃
T5557 is the Atmel company produces the multi-function non-contact identification of R/W integrated circuit, apply to 125KHz frequency range. △Have a password Settings and write protected. Users can set reading way. frith-bhualadh △Built-in capacitance can mask choice, also can be outside distribution capacity. △The only 64bit serial number, has the traceability. △Read/write data transmission non-contact way T5557 major upgrade replacement early E5550/E5551 chip, now for T5567 upgrade replacement products, widely used in various forms of identification, such as traffic travel, health communication, education, entertainment and so on a variety of applications, such as hotel door lock card, health insurance card, campus id, enterprise/factory attendance card, Gas station Gas cards,dining cards, game cards, student achievement cards, phone cards, movie theaters cards, entertainment cards.
SeabreezeRFID LTD.provides T5577 chip card initialization and data encryption services.
Typical Applications Induction smart door locks, school, business card systems, smachd ruigsinneachd.
Buannachd Farpaiseach:
Luchd-obrach eòlach;
Càileachd sàr-mhath;
Prìs as fheàrr;
Lìbhrigeadh luath;
Comas mòr agus raon farsaing de thoraidhean;
Gabh ri òrdugh beag;
Bathar ODM agus OEM a rèir iarrtas luchd-ceannach.