Tricead ri fhaighinn: LF 125KHz, 134.2KHz/HF 13.56MHz/UHF 860~960MHz
Chips rim faighinn: TK4100, EM4200, EM4305, T5577, FM11RF08, M1 S50, I COGADH 2, Ultralight, Alien H3, Faisg air an M4/M5, msaa.
Pròtacal conaltraidh: ISO 14443A, ISO 15693, ISO 18000-6C
Bliadhnaichean obrach: Barrachd air 10 bliadhna
Raon leughaidh: 2~100cm (tha astar leughaidh an urra ri seòrsa chip agus meud antenna)
Teòthachd obrach: -30℃~+220℃
Dath: gorm, dearg, Dubh, geal, buidhe, liath, uaine, pinc, mixed color, msaa, can specify color
Stuth: Silicone
Pròiseas: clò-bhualadh sgrion sìoda LOGO agus còdadh, gràbhaladh laser, msaa.
The Colorful soft silicone wristband series is developed and produced by Seabreeze Smart Card Company. It uses high quality silica gel and advanced production technology to produce high quality soft wristband products. Cosgais ìseal, suitable for your market development. This wristband can be packaged with RFID chips and can be used in access control and identification. Style: closed round style, adjustable convex and concave buckle style, watch band buckle style
Caractaran Beautiful, sùbailte, furasta a chaitheamh, furasta a chleachdadh, dìon-uisge, dìon-taise, shockproof, resistant teòthachd àrd.
Application range Widely used in swimming pools, cold storage, field operations and other extremely humid environments, even in the harsh conditions such as long-term immersion in water, can be used normally. Suitable for campuses, pàircean spòrs, nightclubs, music evenings, access control and identification, it can be used as a high-end business gift.
Buannachd Farpaiseach:
Luchd-obrach eòlach;
Càileachd sàr-mhath;
Prìs as fheàrr;
Lìbhrigeadh luath;
Comas mòr agus raon farsaing de thoraidhean;
Gabh ri òrdugh beag;
Bathar ODM agus OEM a rèir iarrtas luchd-ceannach.