RBS-580 model Dual-band Card Reader, is a readable 125KHz low-frequency EM4102 card serial number, but can also read 13.56MHz high-frequency Mifare card serial number two-in-one reader. USB port without-drive, plug agus cluich, read card number like the keyboard entering, improve the speed of cards enter data.
No-driver USB working mode, plug agus cluich
Support read-only EM4102 card serial number
Support read-only Mifare S50, Mifare S70 card serial number
Reading distance up to 6CM
A buzzer and an LED
USB interface desktop reader
Output data format is optional (default 8H-10D)
Test and run:
When power is applied, the LED lights green and the buzzer beeps, then the LED turns red and the card issuer starts to work.
When reading the ID card data, the LED will turn green, at the same time, the buzzer will ring once and the LED light will turn red, indicating that the card number is read normally.
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