Read EM card or Mifare card optional Comes with a Wiegand 26 to Wiegand 34 conversion. In line with international standards of wiring, expandable RS232, RS485 output.
Modail: KR236 Read card types: EM4102 agus cairt ID co-fhreagarrach, Mifare 1K S50 and compatibility IC card
Cruth toraidh: Wiegand 26 bit (toradh bunaiteach), Wiegand 34 bit (faodaidh ceangal uèir ghlas a bhith na thoradh WG34)
Leugh astar: 5~ 10cm
Tricead obrach: 125KHz/13.56MHz Response speed: < 0.2s Read card interval: < 0.5s
Bholtachd obrach: DC 9V ~ 16V (moladh cleachdadh DC 12V)
Sruth statach: < 35ma Dynamic current: < 70ma Extension interface: extensible RS485/RS232/ABA output format Working conditions: temperature -25℃~+75℃, humidity 10%~90%
Neach-labhairt togte: clamhan Waterproof and dustproof: yes
Antenna togte: yes Antistatic: 15Kv Over-current over-voltage protection: yes Connection distance: Wiegand≤100 meters, RS485≤1200 meters, RS232/ABA≤10 meters
Dath: Champagne
Meud: length 123×width 55×height 22mm
Stuth Shell: PVC agus còmhdaichte le pùdar, interior can be poured black resin glue (effective waterproof)
KR236 access card reader preclude the use of advanced RF receiver circuit design and industrial-grade embedded microcontrollers, combined with efficient decoding algorithm to complete the 64bits Read-Only uem4100-compatible ID card receiver with high sensitivity, low operating current , Single DC power supply, low price, àrd-choileanadh. Built-in buzzer and LED indicator, simple and clear. Easy installation, complete functions, wide range of uses, is ideal for all types of access control systems.
Prìomh fheartan Three-dimensional appearance, with EM, Mifare read head optional Working current is less than 60mA With output protection Anti-metal shield and card reader mutual interference ability Wiegand 26bit standard format data output Comes with a Wiegand 26 to Wiegand 34 conversion. In line with international standards of wiring, expandable RS232, RS485 output. Moisture and dustproof, all sealed design and installation is simple, can be installed outdoors and other harsh conditions, no mechanical wear durable In line with China national GB/T17626.4 standards/IEC61000-4-4 standard electrical fast transient burst immunity test (4000V., 5KHz highest test parameters).
Instructions for use When the card is close to the card reader, the red light turns green and then turns red, the buzzer sounds to send the data, the same ID card, the interval between two readings is shorter than 500mS, no data is sent . After the card reader, if ID, IC card is still in the RF card sensor area, the reader will not do any tips, do not send data. Different ID, IC card into the RF card sensing area, card reader continuous reading, and output data.
Comharrachadh, smachd ruigsinneachd, làthaireachd, charging, tèarainteachd, patrol, intercom togail, parking management system, rathad-mòr, one-card solution, e-commerce and other RFID applications.
Buannachd Farpaiseach:
Luchd-obrach eòlach;
Càileachd sàr-mhath;
Prìs as fheàrr;
Lìbhrigeadh luath;
Comas mòr agus raon farsaing de thoraidhean;
Gabh ri òrdugh beag;
Bathar ODM agus OEM a rèir iarrtas luchd-ceannach.