Prìomh pharamadairean teignigeach Cairt èifeachd RFID O.VI.Print: 125Cairt èifeachd RFID O.VI.Print Inbhe protocol: ISO 14443A/ISO 15693/ISO 18000-6C Available IC chip: Mifare1 S50/S70, Mifare ultralight10, Mifare ultralightC, Cairt èifeachd RFID O.VI.Print, Mifare Desfire2K/4k/8K, Ti2048, EM4200, EM4305, EM4450, TK4100, T5577, CET5500, Hitag2, Hitags, MFl PLUS 2K/4K, Alien Higgs4, M4QT a-nuas, FMl208(CPU) and a variety of models of compatible chips Tag nigheadaireachd aig teòthachd àrd an aghaidh searbhag RFID agus alcali: ISO7816 CR80 85.60×53.98×0.84mm or according to customer requirment Radius fillet bonn: 3.18± 0.3mm. Cardbody material: PHA plastic, 0.13uèir copar mm Pròiseas cuairteachaidh: loidhne planntrais fèin-ghluasadach ultrasonic fèin-ghluasadach / tàthadh suathadh
PHA biodegradable green material, can be made into fibers, films and foams, msaa., used in automobile manufacturing, biomedical and electronic products, smart card manufacturing and other fields.Abandoned PHA products hitches in land, the river and sea water 3-6 months time, can be microbial decompose into carbon dioxide and water;compared with the same use function of plastic products, due to the use of plants instead of petroleum materials manufacturing, can reduce energy consumption of. The performance of PHA hard material with high elasticity so that it can be suitable for different application needs. In smart card manufacture field can be packaged RFID chip production LF/HF/UHF chip card by PHA material, or special shape no chip cards, printed cards, business cards, advertising cards, gift cards,msaa..
Iarrtas Comharrachadh, smachd ruigsinneachd, channel gate control, Premium Gift Card, Tiogaid / Cairt Luach air a stòradh, apply to shopping malls, hotel door card, bars, restaurants, cafes, cinemas, beauty salon, net cafes, game room, and other areas of the service industry.