Modail: DC0272 series
Tricead obrachaidh: 125KHz Readable chip type: EM4102, EM4200, TK4100 chip and compatible with 125KHz ID chip, read-only 64bit Manchester code Communication Format: RS485, Wiegand 26 (WG26), other formats to be customized: TTL232, SYRIS485, RS232, ABA, Wiegand 34, Wiegand 42 Response speed: < 0.2s Read interval: < 0.5 diogan Power Specifications: +DC 12V, no gnàthachadh
(Recommend using a linear 12~15V DC and not less than the rated current of 1A linear regulated power supply) Operating Current: 70mA
Leugh astar: Wiegand 26 ≤100cm, RS485 ≤120cm
Teòthachd obrach: -25℃ ~ + 75 ℃
Taiseachd obrachaidh: 10-90%
Antenna togte: There
Astar conaltraidh: 100M. Transmission: real-time
Meud toraidh: 235×240×36mm
Cuideam: 1.1KG Shell Material: PVC agus còmhdaichte le pùdar, internally irrigation black resin glue powder (effectively waterproof)
The DC0272 is a new style long-range reader that reads up to 90cm. The device uses a superior power system, especially suitable for access control, parking systems and penetrate wall reading applications. The same basic device can be configured for output to most common interfaces, including Wiegand, Mag-stripe, and RS-232 serial and RS485 outputs, making it easy to upgrade existing devices. Can customized anti-metal reading head. Can customized ID card number 02 beginning 03 end.
Feartan Non-contact read, read distance up to 90cm, caitheamh cumhachd ìosal, cugallachd àrd, àrd-choileanadh, low price, anti-interference, stability.
Buannachd Farpaiseach:
Luchd-obrach eòlach;
Càileachd sàr-mhath;
Prìs as fheàrr;
Lìbhrigeadh luath;
Comas mòr agus raon farsaing de thoraidhean;
Gabh ri òrdugh beag;
Bathar ODM agus OEM a rèir iarrtas luchd-ceannach.