RFID, en todas partes do mundo.

Etiqueta de estante ESL

» Etiqueta dedicada RFID » Etiqueta de estante ESL

  • Especificacións
  • Descrición

Principais parámetros técnicos
tamaño: V131×H216×D9.0mm
Material de casca: ABS
Cor: Black/White/Red/Yellow
Resolución: 640×384(H×V)
Working Temperature: 0℃ ~ + 40 ℃
Working Humidity: <75%
Life Time: 5 anos(<4 times refresh/day)

An Electronic Shelf Label (ESL) system is used by retailers for displaying product pricing on shelves, to facilitate the price management in the store. The product pricing is automatically updated whenever a price is changed from a central control server(base station). Typically, electronic display modules are attached to the front edge of retail shelving, attract the attention of customers, increase the sales volume of goods.

Clothing shop, shoe store, leather goods store, department stores, retail stores, supermarket etc.




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  • O noso servizo

    RFID / IoT / Control de acceso
    LF / HF / UHF
    Tarxeta / etiqueta / incrustación / etiqueta
    Pulseira / chaveiro
    Dispositivo R / W
    Solución RFID
    OEM / ODM

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