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Dispositivo de copia de proba de contrasinal

» Hardware » Dispositivo de copia de proba de contrasinal

Póñase en contacto co dispositivo de identificación de chip da tarxeta IC

Dispositivo de copia de proba de contrasinal , ,

Modelo de produto: SJM2403

Identify and shows a variety of common contact logic encryption IC card type and card data.

Outro tipo de tarxeta/insignia
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Identifiable chip types:
Memory card type: Atmel AT24C01, AT24C02, AT24C04, AT24C08, AT24C16, AT24C32, AT24C64, AT24C128, AT24C256, AT24C512 and compatible chip card
Logic encryption card type: SLE4442, SLE4428, SLE5542, SLE5528, AT88SC102, AT88SC1604, AT88SC1604B and compatible chip card
About 1600 kinds of CPU card recognition and shows answer to reset(ATR) and manufacturer’s information

Insert the card immediately after the identify card chip type.

Functions and features
Identify and shows a variety of common contact logic encryption IC card type and card data, identifiable types:
Memory card type: Atmel AT24C01, AT24C02, AT24C04, AT24C08, AT24C16, AT24C32, AT24C64, AT24C128, AT24C256, AT24C512 and compatible card;
Logic encryption card type: SLE4442, SLE4428, SLE5542, SLE5528, AT88SC102, AT88SC1604, AT88SC1604B and compatible card;
About 1600 kinds of CPU card recognition and shows answer to reset(ATR) and manufacturer's information;
Record keeping and can browse data of the memory card and logic encryption card, no lose when power supply drop
Independent use, do not need to connect the computer;
Battery power supply or USB power supply;
Low price, easy to operate.

SJM 2403 Contact IC Card Chip Identify Device only has the identify function,identify contact IC card type and browsing data inside of the card.
"SJM 2401 Contacte o dispositivo replicador de identificación de chip da tarxeta IC", it is increased the replication function.Memory card, you can directly copy; Logic encryption card, only after know the password can be copied; tarxeta CPU, can not simply copy.

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