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Control de acceso

» Hardware » Control de acceso

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Principais parámetros técnicos
Frecuencia de traballo: 125KHz
Applicable cards: iButton card, 125KHz card
Card reading time: 0.2s
Distancia de indución: 0cm
Indicator light: 2 LED(red/white)
Power: Any standard USB Port or via USB/220V adapter, or from 2×CR2020 batteries
Working Temperature: -20ºC~+65ºC
material: Plastic (a proba de auga, but not suitable for hard environmental conditions)
Plastic casing color: brown
tamaño: 100×33×10mm

The iButton Card Clone Device is a universal device for copying any electronic keys of the LF 125KHz standard and the iButton "1-wire" Touch memony standard, allowing such procedures. If the device does not support any type of keys from these standards - you can send us an email with a detailed description of the read/write protocols and we will add support for such keys to this device. Within the above standards, the programmer supports the creation of duplicate electronic keys of the following types:
●Original ID Key for copy:
1. DS1990, TM1990, RW1990(TM-08V2), RW1990.2, TM2004, KC-3 & such other
2. Keyfob/ID cards 125khz: EM-Marin, Vizit, Eltis, Cyfral, Metakom
●Blank ID Key for recording:
1. RW1990, RW1990.2, TM-08V2, RW2004(TM2004), KC-3
2. T5577/MINI5577, RW125RF, EM4305




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    RFID / IoT / Control de acceso
    LF / HF / UHF
    Tarxeta / etiqueta / incrustación / etiqueta
    Pulseira / chaveiro
    Dispositivo R / W
    Solución RFID
    OEM / ODM

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