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Tarxeta JAVA / Tarxeta CPU

» Tarxeta RFID » Tarxeta JAVA / Tarxeta CPU

Tarxetas JAVA da serie JCOP4 Tarxeta J3R150, Tarxeta J3R180, Tarxeta J3R200, JCOP4 JAVAcard

Tarxeta JAVA / Tarxeta CPU , , , , , , , ,

Modelo de produto: HCJ200

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Main attributes
Protocolo de comunicación: ISO14443
frecuencia: 13.56MHz
Estándar: Java Card 3.0.5, GlobalPlatform 2.3
Algorithms: RSA4096, SHA256, ECC521
material: Bank grade PVC
Dimensións: ISO 7810 (85.60×53.98×0.086mm)

J2R110, J3R110, J2R150, J3R150, J3R180, J3R200 are JCOP4 series JAVA card is another pinnacle after J2A, J3A, J3D, Serie J3H, on the basis of ensuring high security and high performance, increméntase a capacidade de almacenamento de datos, and the Flash chip is used to make the computing speed of the chip faster and more stable. Antes da serie J3H JAVA (inclusive), all of them used EEPROM chips, e despois da serie J3R (inclusive), they all used Flash chips.


JCOP4 series JAVA Cards, J3R150 Card, Tarxeta J3R180, Tarxeta J3R200, J3R150 JAVA Card, J3R180 JAVA Card, J3R200 JAVA Card, JCOP4 JAVAcard, JCOP4 Card, Shenzhen Seabreeze Smart Card Co.,Ltd. --2

J2R110, J3R110, J2R150, J3R150, J3R180, J3R200 chips are available in EMV and SecID versions. A versión EMV úsase principalmente no campo financeiro; The SecID version is mainly used in the field of electronic identity, and the ECC algorithm and Gen Key encryption algorithm are used in the field of electronic ID card. Agora mesmo, the J3R SecID series has obtained the CC EAL 6+ certificado.
The RAM (i.e., Memoria transitoria) of the J3R series JAVA cards is 4K, which is 0.8K more than that of the J3H series, and the APDU Buffer Size can be expanded even more.

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