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Control de acceso

» Hardware » Control de acceso

Mifare IC Card Sector Data Block Encrypt Reader

Control de acceso, Lector LF / HF , , ,

Modelo de produto: RS393

Protect access control card data and reduce the risk of card copying.

Outro tipo de tarxeta/insignia
  • Especificacións
  • Descrición

tensión de funcionamento: DC9~16V
de traballo actual: ≤100mA
Distancia de indución: 3~5cm
Output format: Wiegand26/34, RS232, RS485, ABA
Card type: Mifare one and compatible chip card
Communication distance: Wiegand ≤100M
Working environment: -10℃~+70℃
Material de casca: PVC and powder-coated
tamaño: 140×100×25mm
Cor: beige, negro


Fields marked with an * are required

Functional characteristics
High security
Can user defined encrypt and sector block number
Reader and card mutual authentication
The data transmission between the card and the Reader is encrypted with the security algorithm
By using the industry standard encryption technology, to protect the card data, reduce the risk of the card to be copied
Custom Wiegand output mode (WG26/34, etc.)
Custom card number mode

Method of use
Simple operation, through special software programming card can complete the security settings on the card reader
Strong compatibility, compatible with the access control on the market
A variety of shell options

One Card Solution, petrochemical industry, power industry, ferrocarril, police and military systems, schools, office buildings, shopping malls, hoteis, industrial and mining enterprises, control de acceso, residential property security management, etc.


Ventaxa competitiva:
Persoal con experiencia;
Excelente calidade;
Mellor prezo;
Entrega rápida;
Gran capacidade e unha ampla gama de produtos;
Aceptar pequeno pedido;
Produtos ODM e OEM segundo a demanda do cliente.




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  • O noso servizo

    RFID / IoT / Control de acceso
    LF / HF / UHF
    Tarxeta / etiqueta / incrustación / etiqueta
    Pulseira / chaveiro
    Dispositivo R / W
    Solución RFID
    OEM / ODM

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