frecuencia: 125KHz RF chip: EM4200 Internal SEQ ID NO: 5 bytes
distancia de lectura: 1~3cm
0.7~1.2M, to be equipped with remote reader Reading time: 1Señorita
Resistencia: 100,000 veces
Retención de datos: 10 anos
Tamaño da tarxeta: Thin: 85.5× 54 × 0,84 mm Standard thickness thin card: 85.5×54×1.05mm
Espesor: 85.5×54×1.80mm
temperatura de traballo: -20℃ ~ + 80 ℃ Packaging materials: PVC, ABS, PET, PETG, 0.13mm Copper wire
Proceso de produción: laminated, self-adhesive, ultrasonic encapsulation
Parking Lot medium distance / long distance ID Card frequency is generally 125KHz. Now the market is mostly a passive, unique serial number ID card, before the products leave the factory has this sequence number curing, can not be changed. Long-distance ID card is to meet the long-distance read ID card internal serial number appears a transitional stage products Long-distance ID cards can be further distinguished by thickness
1, Thick card: thickness 1.8mm, thick card can be sprayed with a variety of formats ID card number, screen printing LOGO, patrón, can printed stickers or other transparent color film.
2, Standard thin card: 0.84mm in thickness, can double-sided color offset printing, print photos, can be flat code or laser or jet printing ID card in various formats or self-compiled serial number. Long distance ID thin card read distance, generally slightly lower than the long distance ID thick card read distance
Aplicacións Parking lot, control de acceso, time attendance, consumption, membership card management, sauna, entretemento, clubs, and other fields.
Ventaxa competitiva:
Persoal con experiencia;
Excelente calidade;
Mellor prezo;
Entrega rápida;
Gran capacidade e unha ampla gama de produtos;
Aceptar pequeno pedido;
Produtos ODM e OEM segundo a demanda do cliente.
Impresión: Impresión Offset, Impresión de tinta Patone, Impresión en cor directa, Serigrafía, Impresión térmica, Impresión con chorro de tinta, Impresión dixital.
Funcións de seguridade: Marca de auga, Ablación con láser, Holograma/OVD, Tinta UV, Tinta variable óptica, Código de barras oculto/Máscara de código de barras, Arco da vella graduado, Microtexto, Guilloche.
Outros: Inicialización/cifrado de datos do chip IC, Datos variables, Banda magnética personalizada programada, Panel de sinatura, Código de barras, Número de serie, Estampación en relevo, Código DOD, Código convexo NBS, Troquelado.