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2.45Produtos activos en GHz

» 2.45Produtos activos en GHz

Etiqueta auricular activa RFID para animais, Etiqueta de oído electrónico para animais activos

2.45Produtos activos en GHz, Identificación de animais , , ,

Modelo de produto: YB5933

The perfect application of active 2.45GHz technology, sensing distance can reach 120 metros.

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Technical Parameters
Electrical characteristics
Quiescent current: < 1μA
de traballo actual: < 10mA
Vida útil: > 10 anos
Battery life: 3-5 anos
Microwave link characteristics
Signal modulation method: GFSK
Taxa de comunicación: bidirectional 1024Kbit/s
frecuencia de operación: 2.4-2.5GHz
Maximum output power: 0dbm
Physical characteristics
Housing material: high temperature modified ABS plastic
Appearance: hang buckle type 59×33×6mm
Peso: 35 gramos
Colour: Negro
Protection level: IP66
Surface personalization: surface can be printed with LOGO, patterns and codes
Working environment
No special requirements for various sources of interference on site
temperatura de traballo: -30°C~+75°C
Working humidity: < 85%
Anti-electromagnetic interference: 10V/m 0.1~1000MHz AM amplitude modulated electromagnetic wave

RFID active animal ear tags are mainly used in the animal husbandry tracking and identification security anti-theft management, such as pigs and cattle and other livestock. The is attached to the animal's ear using a special animal ear tag pliers for normal use. The electronic ear tag adopts non-toxic, odor-free, non-irritating and non-polluting TPU high-quality materials as encapsulation materials, effectively preventing the damage of organic acids, salt solutions and mineral acids.

Long distance: The farthest distance to be identified is 120 metros, and the normal effective distance is 0~100 meters.
Anti-collision: Advanced anti-collision technology that can identify more than 200 tags per second.
High speed: The maximum recognition speed is up to 200km/h.
Seguridade: Encryption algorithms and authentication to ensure data security and prevent link eavesdropping and data cracking.
Directionality: It can realize the identification of directionality and non-directionality.
High technical: All use 0.18uM chips.
Low power consumption: Ultra low power consumption, healthier and safer.
Convenient transmission: The global open ISM microwave band, without any harm, and users do not need to apply and pay.


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