RFID, en todas partes do mundo.

Etiqueta adhesiva / anti falsa

» Etiqueta adhesiva / anti falsa

RFID Library Management Label

Etiqueta adhesiva / anti falsa , , ,

Customizable size, four-color printing pattern and LOGO or coded on the surface.

Outro tipo de tarxeta/insignia
  • Especificacións
  • Descrición

Módulo de escritura/lectura MF RC522 SPI para Arduino: YB4020
tamaño: 45x45mm, or custom
de Seabreeze Smart Card Co.,Ltd: PET+aluminum etched antenna
Delivery style: Incrustación húmida, Paste Paper Label
Chips: NXP ICODE SLI, Módulo de escritura/lectura MF RC522 SPI para Arduino, FM11RF08
frecuencia: 13.56MHz
Protocolo estándar: ISO 15693/ISO 14443
Memory: 1024pouco
modo de traballo: Ler/escribir
temperatura de traballo: -25℃~+75℃
temperatura de almacenamento: -40℃ ~ + 80 ℃
Erasable times: 100,000 veces
Vida útil: >10 anos
Read/write distance: 10-20cm (depending on the working environment and reader model)


Fields marked with an * are required

The RFID library label is an RFID technology used in library management to implement self-service subscription and self-service book return. Ó mesmo tempo, it facilitates the library to quickly check the collection, facilitate the staff to organize and manage books, as well as security and security. RFID technology is used in library management to transform traditional manual services into electronic services and improve library automation management capabilities.
The library management tag usually uses the communication protocol ISO 15693. According to the project requirements, the communication protocol EPC GEN2 ISO 18000-6C/6B (UHF 860~960MHz) can also be used.

Multi-tag identification, anticolisión
High tag identification sensitivity
Linearly polarized designs have ultra-high read rates in specific directions (for UHF type labels)
Anti-counterfeiting performance, with unique global identification code (Código TIME)
Widely used in books, important confidential document management

Books, CD, DVD and other asset management in libraries and bookstores


Ventaxa competitiva:
Persoal con experiencia;
Excelente calidade;
Mellor prezo;
Entrega rápida;
Gran capacidade e unha ampla gama de produtos;
Aceptar pequeno pedido;
Produtos ODM e OEM segundo a demanda do cliente.


Quizais tamén che guste

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  • O noso servizo

    RFID / IoT / Control de acceso
    LF / HF / UHF
    Tarxeta / etiqueta / incrustación / etiqueta
    Pulseira / chaveiro
    Dispositivo R / W
    Solución RFID
    OEM / ODM

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