RFID, svugdje u svijetu.

LF / HF čitač

» Hardver » LF / HF čitač

  • Tehnički podaci
  • Opis

Tehnički parametri
Support frequency: 125KHz+13,56MHz
Tip čitanje kartice: identifikacijska kartica (EM4102, EM4200, TK4100, itd)
IC kartica (MF S50 / S70, FM11RF08, ISO14443A protocol cards)
način komunikacije: USB (Imitation keyboard output)
način rada: samo za čitanje
Operacijski sustav: Windows 7, Windows 10, Linux, itd.
Izlazni format: default 10-digit decimal, other formats can be customized
Vlast: USB sučelje, DC5V
Potrošnja energije: <0.2W
Veličina: 110× 80 × 26mm

YJ40-R10DC model ID+IC dual-frequency card reader is a dual-band reading device that can read both EM protocol RF card and ISO14443A protocol RF card/tag.
In the process of use, the user does not need to load any driver, can be plugged and inserted at will (uključi i igraj), the USB interface directly obtains the power, and the serial number in the RFID card can be read and input to the computer and other devices through the data interface without external power supply, equivalent to the automatic keyboard input number.
Widely used in access control attendance management system, upravljanje imovinom, information inquiry, club members, supermarket consumption systems, book lending, meeting check-in and other fields.

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    RFID / IOT / Kontrola pristupa
    LF / HF / UHF
    Kartica / oznaka / Inlay / oznaka
    Narukvica / Keychain
    R / W uređaj
    RFID rješenje
    OEM / ODM

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