PVC card shade light material characteristics: high cover ability, provide maximum opacity, avoid perspective, also make the card body strong, stable structure. The use of sunshade material produced, can completely cover the card inside the RFID chip, coil and other custom printed watermarks, patterns, with a good shading effect, surface gloss and high quality, stable quality, improve card security and so on. RFID Sunshade Card is mainly used for banking, securities, telekominikasyon yo, medikal, transpòtasyon, insurance and other security needs of the area.
Aplikasyon pou tipik Identification card, kat antrepriz/kanpis la, kat otobis la, frè gran wout, pakin, ransportation, Bay yon API komen pou tout kat advant LEGIC pou fasil, Estasyon gaz, securities, telecom, medicine, tinsurance,elatriye.
konpetitif Advantage:
Expérience Anplwaye;
Excellent bon jan kalite;
Pi bon pri;
vit livrezon;
Gwo kapasite ak nan yon pakèt domèn pwodwi;
Aksepte lòd ti;
ODM ak OEM pwodwi selon demann kliyan an.
L ': Metòd Enpresyon L ', serigrafi Enpresyon, tèmik enprime, enprime Ink-jè, Digital enprime.
karakteristik sekirite: Watermark, Lazè ablation, Olografik / OVD, UV lank, Optik lank Varyab, Kache bar / kod mask, Classés Rainbow, Mikwo-tèks.
Gen lòt ki: Chip done inisyalizasyon / ankriptaj, Pèsonalize foule mayetik programed, siyati panèl, kod, nimewo seri, repouse, DOD Kòd, NBS konvèks Kòd, Mouri-koupe.