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Ներկայումս, մեր ընդհանուր UHF RFID ընթերցողները և RFID մոդուլները ընտրելու երկու ստանդարտ ունեն, մասնավորապես ISO18000-6B և ISO18000-6C (EPC Class 1 Gen2) ստանդարտները. Այս երկու ստանդարտները, կարելի է ասել, ունեն իրենց առավելությունները, ուրեմն ինչ տարբերություններ կան?
1. ISO18000-6B կարող է կարդալ մինչև 10 պիտակներ միաժամանակ, օգտագործողի տվյալների տարածքը մեծ է, the data transmission rate is about 40Kbps. ISO18000-6B tags is generally used in closed-loop areas, such as asset management.
2. EPC C1G2 is ISO18000-6C, which can read hundreds of tags at the same time, the user data area is small, and the data transmission rate is 40Kbps-640Kbps. ISO18000-6C tags is generally used in open-loop areas, such as logistics management.
The success point of ISO 18000-6C is to shorten the air data frame of the passive tag, which is a typical short frame communication method. Այս կերպ, as long as the radio energy transfer condition between the tag and the reader antenna is instantly formed, The communication is completed efficiently, so the recognition rate is greatly improved compared to the earlier passive tags. Combined with multi-group identification, anti-collision mechanism, dense reader-writer mode, transparent ID and private data area, it provides an effective non-contact identification method for the wide range of applications represented by logistics.
ISO18000-6C has a private data area. Simply put, only users with more than one million levels are eligible to choose the private data area when ordering. This is also a market strategy for ISO18000-6C for mass applications, so as to filter out uneconomical applications (both supply and demand are not economical). In normal applications, this data area can be protected by the lock of the two control words Access and Kill. Once locked, it cannot be seen without the control word, and it cannot be read unless you know AccessPWD. KillPWD has 32bits, and 32bits AccessPWD is enough for anti-counterfeiting. Many tags on the street shouted that they are Gen2, which is actually just the ID of ISO18000-6C. It can’t provide all the functions of Gen2, especially those excellent functions, so is the reader. In Gen2, there is a 64Byties user private data area. For more than one million users, each byte in this area can be locked, միայն կարդալու համար, Կարդալ գրել, and read-out is prohibited without key. Very ideal product.
—- if you have to say the relationship between ISO18000-6C and Gen2, to be clear, ISO18000-6C is a subset of Gen2. Gen2 has the functions and scalability, that ISO18000-6C may not have.
3. For data storage, ISO18000-6B is in the “foreground” ձևաչափը, so the tag capacity is large; The ISO18000-6C is in the “background” ձևաչափը. When reading the tag, you only need to read the EPC and then read the data in the tag in association with the background database, the requirement for tag capacity is low.
4. Difference in price: ISO18000-6C tags are cheaper than ISO18000-6B tags, reducing your project costs.