RFID, dimanapun di dunia.

Gantungan kunci

» Gantungan kunci

125KHz Nomor Ditulis Keychain, ID Kosong Writeable Kode Key FOBS

Gantungan kunci , , ,

Model: YF036

125KHz Blank Writeable Code Keychain, designed for cloning access control keychain.

  • spesifikasi
  • Deskripsi

Chip opsional: EM4305, T5557, T5577, 5200
Frekuensi: 125KHz
Kapasitas penyimpanan: 512sedikit
Ukuran: 43× 30 × 5 mm atau 50 × 30 × 5mm, dapat disesuaikan
Membaca dan menulis jarak: 2~ 10cm, tergantung pada pembaca dan lingkungan aplikasi
bekerja suhu: -20℃ ~ + 80 ℃
bahan: ABS
kali dihapus : >100,000 waktu
Penyimpanan: 10 tahun
warna: merah, hijau, biru, Jeruk, kuning, putih, pilihan

125KHz writeable number keychain, the chip no code, customers can customize the chip number. Write the number before normal use. So this chip can also copy the same ID number card, and more for parking, access cards and so on.
Can made of non-standard shaped cards, kartu epoxy, wristbands, and other cards.

Fitur utama
Storage capacity 512bit EEPROM storage unit has 16 independent sectors of security structure, supports a variety of applications, each sector can have two separate keys.
Access to the storage unit can be flexibly defined by the user according to his requirements.
Keychain surface can be printed or engraved patterns, nomor, LOGO, Kode QR.

aplikasi khas
sistem kontrol akses, tempat parkir, kunci pintu RFID, pelacakan, identity recognition management,dll.


Keunggulan kompetitif:
Staf yang berpengalaman;
kualitas yang sangat baik;
Harga terbaik;
Pengiriman cepat;
kapasitas besar dan berbagai macam produk;
Menerima pesanan kecil;
ODM dan OEM produk sesuai dengan permintaan pelanggan.



Mungkin Anda menyukai juga

  • Layanan kami

    RFID / IOT / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Kartu / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Wristband / Keychain
    R / W Perangkat
    RFID Solusi
    OEM / ODM

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