RFID, dimanapun di dunia.

2.45GHz Produk Aktif

» 2.45GHz Produk Aktif

    • spesifikasi
    • Deskripsi

    parameter teknis utama
    Frekuensi Karir: 2.4G
    Frekuensi operasi: 2400MHz~2500MHz
    Antena: PCB unipolar antenna
    Output daya: -18dBm~7dBm
    sensitivitas penerima: -90dBm
    Identification distance radius: 50~100m (depending on the antenna)
    Baca / tulis waktu: 1Nona
    menghapus hidup: 100,000 waktu
    saat bekerja: <5UA
    Daya tahan baterai: 3.0V battery, 12 bulan
    Power alarm: low battery alarm function
    Fungsi: Step counting, expandable temperature measurement function
    Bahan: TPU, PE
    Suhu Operasional: -20° C ~ + 60 ° C, wide temperature battery can be customized according to user needs, working range -40°C~+80°C
    Peringkat IP: IP67
    Spesifikasi: φ26×14mm
    Berat: 20g
    Fixation: cable tie

    YY-A0026 model 2.4GHz active chicken foot ring, with ultra-low power consumption design, longer service life of the tag, effective visual recognition distance of up to 100 meter, simple structure, ukuran kecil, lightweight, mudah untuk menginstal; Frequency hopping working mode, strong anti-collision and anti-interference ability. It can be widely used in a variety of applications such as livestock farming, poultry intelligent management and asset management.

    Fitur utama
    Using 2.45GHz active RFID technology, it realizes long-distance identification, and the identification distance can reach 100 meter
    High-capacity button battery, with ultra-low power consumption and long life, and the life cycle can reach more than 12 bulan, which meets the life cycle of chickens
    It is used for asset management to facilitate the bundling of managed items
    IP67 protection level, deep waterproof
    It adopts a one-way cable tie design, which does not fall off and can be used in harsh environments

    Lingkup aplikasi
    Chicken pedometer ring, pigeon pedometer ring, 2.4G active RFID pedometer ring, long-distance valuable asset management

    Mungkin Anda menyukai juga

  • Layanan kami

    RFID / IOT / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Kartu / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Wristband / Keychain
    R / W Perangkat
    RFID Solusi
    OEM / ODM

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