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Mifare IC Card Blok Encrypt Baca Tulis Modul

Modul / Antena , , , ,

Supports Mifare 1K S50, Mifare S70 4K, FM11RF08, FM1208 and their compatible family of contactless smart cards.

  • spesifikasi
  • Deskripsi

Model: SMS-139
Frekuensi operasi: 13.56MHz
kartu dukungan: Mifare 1K S50, Mifare S70 4K, FM1RF08, FM1208 dan kartu pintar yang kompatibel
Dukungan Protokol: ISO14443 TypeA
Baca Rentang: 30~ 80mm (berbeda tergantung pada antena, pembaca jarak integrasi antena sekitar 6.5cm)
transfer rate card: 848kbit / s
antarmuka: UART, saya2C, RS232, Wiegand, RS485, kustom SPI
Sumber Daya listrik: +5V untuk integrasi antena
rata-rata saat ini: 70mA / DC 5V
Proses produksi: penggunaan permukaan mount teknologi
suhu penyimpanan: -40℃ ~ + 85 ℃
Suhu Operasional: -30℃ ~ + 70 ℃
Ukuran: Dibagi 30 × 80 × 7mm
integrasi antena 30 × 50 × 7mm, 30× 34,35 × 2.5mm
pin spasi: 2.0mm
Berat: 20g


Bidang yang ditandai dengan * wajib diisi

Mifare IC Card Block Encrypt Read/Write Module series encapsulates the complex ISO14443 protocol and read / write card-related operations. All read and write operations on the MF1 card become a few simple instructions. Users do not need to understand the complex ISO14443A protocol, only need to understand the structure of the card used by a simple instruction to operate the card reader module, which consists of all the complex operation of the MCU card reader module to complete.Mifare IC Card Blok Encrypt Baca Tulis Modul, Mifare 1K S50 Card Block Encrypt Read Write Module, SeabreezeRFID LTD.
The Block Encrypt R/W Module is widely used in non-contact smart water meters, power meters, gas meters, electronic door locks, traffic One Card Solutions reader, desktop card reader, access attendance card reader, car electronic induction lock supporting, office / pusat perbelanjaan / Safety control box, a variety of security systems and production process control.

Fitur Produk
Module is simple, mudah digunakan, hemat biaya;
Using NXP highly integrated reader chip;
Supports Mifare 1K S50 / Mifare S70 4K, FM1208 and their compatible family of contactless smart cards;
Read and write card distance (up to 50~80mm depending on the application);
According to need, choose SPI, I2C, UART, RS232, RS485 or Wiegand interface to connect with any MCU;
When using the UART interface, with automatic baud detection, when with 232 level conversion can be directly connected with the computer;
Choose 5V power supply, konsumsi daya yang rendah
With control line and controllable buzzer signal output, optional onboard LED and buzzer;
Can read and write module EEPROM, with password loading function;
Support automatic detection card function, no need to send frequently on the host computer to find card instructions;
Provide C51 function library for secondary development
Ukuran kecil (antenna integrated module 30×80×7mm)

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