RFID, n'ebe nile ụwa.

Ọzọ Anti-metal Tag

» RFID Raara Tag » Anti-metal Tag » Ọzọ Anti-metal Tag

    • nkọwa
    • Description

    Main technical parameters
    Protocol ụkpụrụ: ISO 11785/11784, ISO 14443A / B, ISO 15693, ISO 18000-6B / 6C
    mgbawa ugboro: LF 125KHz / HF 13.56MHz / UHF 860-960MHz
    mgbawa Type: M1 S50 / S70, M1 ULT10, ULT C, ICODE2 SLI / SLI-S / L-SLI / SLIX, SLIX-L, MF DesFi 2K / 4k / 8K, Ti2048, EM4102, EM4200, EM4305, EM4450, TK4100, T5557, CET5500, Hitag2, Hitags, FMl208(CPU),etc.
    Reading anya: LF / HF 2.5-10cm
    UHF 1-15M(Dabere na antenna onye na-agụ ya na nha mkpado)
    agụ oge: 1-2MS
    operating okpomọkụ: 1-2mm ọkpụrụkpụ imeghari okpomọkụ: -100℃ ~ + 130 ℃ (-148℉ ~ + 266 ℉)
    2-4mm ọkpụrụkpụ imeghari okpomọkụ: -100℃ ~ + 150 ℃ (-148~ + 302 ℉)
    operating iru mmiri: 0-95%
    ntachi obi: >100,000 times
    data njigide: > Afọ 10
    akụkụ: ọkpụrụkpụ 0.7 ~ 1.2mm, nha 85.6 × 54mm, 45× 45mm, 20× 25mm, Φ16 / 18/20/30 / 50mm, nwere ike ikwuputa nha & udi
    ihe: Mpempe akwụkwọ PVC + Ferrite(Ileghara Anya Ihe Onwe), enwere ike ikpuchi ihe 3M
    packaging usoro: Ultrasonic auto osisi edoghi / Mgbado akpaaka

    Anti-metal materials are also called metal insulation materials, ferrite materials, anti-interference materials for electronic tags, and are also commonly known as "akwa magnetik". Suitable for 13.56MHz/125KHz high-frequency cards/low-frequency cards, can be packaged into anti-metal tags, not only enables the tags to be used normally on metal and electromagnetic surfaces,

    Kaadị igwe elekere igwe anaghị eji eme ihe, Kaadị ihe nchekwa aha PVC ihe eji eme ihe, Emebe Igwe Ọdụdọ Iron IC, si Shenzhen Seabreeze Smart Card Co., Ltd.

    effectively reduces the absorption of antenna signals by metals, thereby increasing the antenna's sensing distance, Improve the performance of the antenna. Anti-metal tags are attached to the surface of metal products, and the induction range is generally 1~10cm.
    Anti-metal smart card refers to the use of anti-metal material as a liner to play a role in preventing metal interference on the radio frequency card, to ensure that even if the radio frequency card is attached to the surface of a metal object, the card reader can read or write the IC chip. The anti-metal smart card makes full use of the lamination and punching process in the production of smart cards. It has the characteristics of simple and fast production process, and can produce anti-metal PVC smart cards of any size and specification.

    Ma eleghị anya, ị na-amasị na-

  • anyị Service

    RFID / IoT / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Kaadị / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Wristband / Eriri Ngakọ Igodo
    R / W Device
    RFID Ngwọta
    OEM / ODM

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