RFID, n'ebe nile ụwa.

EM4233 Mgbawa Card, High Secure ISO15693 Protocol EM4233 Mgbawa, EM4233 Mgbawa anọchi EM4035 Mgbawa na EM4135 Mgbawa

CATEGORY na mkpado:
HF Mgbawa Card , ,

EM4233 chip high security password protection function, mainly used in the management of key assets and access control systems.

  • nkọwa
  • Description
  • Aviable Crafts

mgbawa Atụmatụ:
ISO15693 / ISO18000-3 ọkọlọtọ Dabara
operating ugboro: 13.56MHz
Long nso, ala ike nso transponder IC
60 afọ data njigide
64-bit ISO15693 nchọpụta pụrụ iche (UID)
2k bit EEPROM haziri na 64 nkanka nke 32 ibe n'ibe
1.625k bit onye ọrụ data na ebe nchekwa (52 nkanka nke 32 ibe n'ibe)
Secure nzuzo mode achịkwa a 96 bit nzuzo isi na elu ala kaadị engine
Nhọrọ-ekwe omume iji họrọ a ala dị larịị nke nche mode dabeere na nbanye na iwu ma a 32 bit paswọọdụ ma ọ bụ dị ka a larịị ederede ebe nchekwa.
Smart na mgbanwe Electronic edemede onyunyo feature
Paswọọdụ echebe Kwatuenu ọrụ na-deactivate ruo mgbe ebighị ebi labelụ
Jụụ Nchekwa feature na adị yiri nkata Filiks
Data Nchekwa Format nchọpụta (DSFID)
Ngwa Field nchọpụta (AFI) akwado
EEPROM nkanka / peeji Ịkpọchi usoro
Akwado niile amanyere bụ iwu na ọtụtụ n'ime nhọrọ ISO / IEC 15693 nyere n'iwu na a zuru set nke omenala iwu
On-mgbawa resonant capacitor nhọrọ: 23.5pF na 97pF
okpomọkụ nso: -40℃ ~ + 85 ℃
Bonding pad kachasị tụgharịa-mgbawa nzukọ
I nwekwara ike hazie pụrụ iche udi kaadị, akwụkwọ kaadị, RFID Eriri Ngakọ Igodo, Wristbands na ndị ọzọ na ngwaahịa.

Cards kwa:
size: ISO ọkọlọtọ kaadị L 85,6 × W 54 × T 0.84(± 0.4)mm, ma ọ bụ dee size
ihe: Ịkwanyere / ABS / PITA / PETG / Akwụkwọ, 0.13mm ọla kọpa waya
Encapsulation usoro: Automatic ultrasonic akpaka osisi akara / aka ịgbado ọkụ

The EM4233 chip is a long range passive CMOS integrated circuit intended for use in applications requiring a contactless read/write memory offering a high and tailored level of security.
The configurable 2k bit EEPROM memory included in the chip is organized in 64 okwu nke 32 ibe n'ibe. The high level of flexibility in the memory management permits that a memory word can be read/write protected and/or locked separately.
This latest generation of EEPROM memory offers data retention during 60 years enabling solutions for long-term asset management applications.
The customer data privacy and security is guaranteed by a powerful and fast crypto engine implemented in the chip associated with a true random generator and a 96 bit secret key.
The enhanced on-chip security feature allows a flexible administration of the memory access rights which makes it the right solution for advanced theft protection. Depending on the application requirements, in terms of security, the user can tailor and adjust the security level by selecting either a true mutual authentication process, a login procedure with a 32 bit password or use the chip as a plain text memory.
The IC supports all the ISO15693 Mandatory commands and many of the optional commands. Its command set is completed by unique custom commands which give to the EM4233 customers a higher degree of differentiation in terms of security, flexibility and data protection.
Each EM4233 contains in its memory a 64 bit unique serial number which cannot be altered and guarantees the uniqueness of each device.

Library management, Archives and collections, Access Control, Long-term asset tagging, Supply Chain Management, Scenic tourist attractions tickets, wdg.


mpi Advantage:
ahụmahụ Staff;
magburu onwe ya mma;
Best price;
Fast nnyefe;
Large ikike na a dịgasị iche iche nke ngwaahịa;
Nabata obere iji;
ODM na OEM ngwaahịa dị ka ahịa ina.


Obibi: dechapụ Obibi, Patone ink Printing, Nbipụta agba agba, Silkscreen Obibi, kwes-ebi akwụkwọ, Ink-ugboelu ebi akwụkwọ, Digital-ebi akwụkwọ.
Security atụmatụ: watermark, laser ablation, Hologram / OVD, UV ink, Optical agbanwe ink, Zoro Ezo barcode / Barcode nkpuchi, Graded Rainbow, Micro-ederede, Guilloche, Hot stamping.
ndị ọzọ na-: IC mgbawa data mmalite/izo ya ezo, Data mgbanwe, Ahaziri magnetik straipu programed, Akara mbinye aka panel, Barcode, Nọmba usoro n'usoro, Embossing, DOD koodu, NBS convex koodu, Die-bee.

Ma eleghị anya, ị na-amasị na-

  • anyị Service

    RFID / IoT / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Kaadị / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Wristband / Eriri Ngakọ Igodo
    R / W Device
    RFID Ngwọta
    OEM / ODM

  • Company

    Gbasara anyị
    Press & Media
    News / Blogs
    Awards & Nyocha
    Mgbakwunye Mmemme

  • Kpọtụrụ anyị

    Tel:0086 755 89823301