Anti-cloning high security access control CPU chip keychain, according to your project memory requirements, you can use FM1204, FM1208, FM1216 and other CPU chips.
Flís tæknilegar breytur
samskipti siðareglur: ISO 14443-A
MCU leiðbeiningar eru í samræmi við 8051
Stuðningur 106Kbps gögn sending hlutfall
Triple-DES coprocessor
Program minni 32K × 8bit ROM
Gögn minni 8k × 8bit EEPROM
256X 8bit reiði
384× 8bit × RAM
Low spenna uppgötvun endurstilla
Hátt og lágt tíðni uppgötvun endurstilla
EEPROM hittir 100,000 Þurrka og skrifa vísbendingar
EEPROM hittir 10 ár gögn varðveisla vísir
Dæmigerður afgreiðslutíma
Að bera kennsl á kortið: 3Fröken (þ.mt endurstilla viðbrögð og andstæðingur-árekstur)
EEPROM eyða tími: 2.4Fröken
Typical viðskipti aðferð: <350Fröken
Þurrka / skrifa Cycles: >100,000 sinnum
gögn sparnaður: >10 ár
Keychain breytur
CPU flís: FM1208-09, FM1208-10
vinna tíðni: 13.56MHz
samskipti siðareglur: ISO 14443 TypeA
getu: 8K bita EEPROM
Samskipti hlutfall: 106kbps
lestur tími: 1-2Fröken
Sensing fjarlægð: 2~ 10cm
Þurrka / skrifa Cycles: >100,000 sinnum
gögn sparnaður: >10 ár
Vinnuhitastig: -20° C ~ + 80 ° C
efni: ABS
mál: 50X 30mm / 41 × 33 × 4.3mm, margar upplýsingar liggja
Litur: blár, rauður, grænt, gulur, appelsínugulur, hvítur, svart, etc.
The FM1208 chip is a single-interface contactless CPU card designed by Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics Co., Ltd. It is the first non-contact CPU card chip supporting ISO14443 TypeA protocol in China. The chip uses ultra-deep sub-micron CMOS EEPROM technology with a capacity of 64K Byte. EEPROM, in accordance with ISO14443 TypeA international standard, operating frequency 13.56MHz, working distance is not less than 10CM, CPU instruction is compatible with general 8051 instructions, built-in 8-bit CPU and hardware DES coprocessor. The chip is a contact-type CPU that meets the bank standard and has good security. Suitable for contactless payment applications with high security requirements, large transaction volume and fast transaction speed.
FM1204, FM1208, FM1216, the main difference is the storage capacity. FM1208-9 chip or FM1208-10 CPU chip, can be packaged to: white card, printed color card, specified appearance shape card, Crystal Epoxy material tag or wristband,etc.
Safety features The security mechanism of the FM1208 CPU chip is:
1. Anti-power analysis module
2. There is a high and low detection reset module, the chip operating frequency is automatically reset beyond the detection range.
3. ROM anti-reverse extraction, memory data encryption
Umsókn The occasion need to improve the card security to replace the traditional logic encryption card, it can be applied to many fields such as finance, tryggingar, government industry, etc. It has the characteristics of large user space, fast reading speed and support for one card multi-use. It is mainly used for security access control, kennsl, campus One Card Solutions, financial transactions, bus cards, water cards, e-wallets, electronic prepaid, etc.