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Líkamshitamæling Andlit viðurkenning mætingarstöð

Líffræðileg tölfræði, lausnir , , , , ,

vara líkan: F-803T

COVID-19 Virus Body Temperature Monitoring Access Control Attendance Solution.
Can customize the corresponding modules according to project requirements: human body temperature measurement + face verification + aðgangsstýring + Stjórnunarstýring.

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Helstu tæknilegar breytur
örgjörvi: Tvöfaldur kjarna örgjörvi(Hæ3516D V300)+ 1G minni + 16G flash
Stýrikerfi: Linux Operating system
geymsla: Support TF card storage
Viewing angle: Lóðrétt sjónarhorn: 30°; Lárétt sjónarhorn: 30°
Skynjari: 1/2.8″ Progressive Scan CMOS(IMX307)
Linsa: 6mm
ræðumaður: voice playback content can be customized
Measurement range: 16℃ -40 ℃ (Innandyra án vinds)

Temperature measurement Lens: Evrópsk upprunalinsa
Sensors type: Medical-grade European imported sensors
Mælingar nákvæmni: ±0.3℃
Temperature resolution: 0.1℃
Temperature measurement distance: ≤30cm
Measurement response time: 300Fröken
Recognition height: 1.2~2.2 meters, angle adjustable
Viðurkenning fjarlægð: 0.5~1.5 meters, depends on lens
Recognition time: Less than 0.5 sekúndur
Geymslurými: 160,000 capture records
Andlitsgeta: 24000stk
Screen brightness: ≥400 cd/m2
Switching output: 1 way switch output, other GPIO port can be customized
Network interface: 1 RJ45 10M/100M adaptive Ethernet port, Gigabit Ethernet port can be customized
Wiegand interface: 1ch Wiegand interface input/output
RS485: There is an RS485 interface on the PCB board, but no lead
USB tengi: 1ch USB interface
myndavél: Dual cameras
Effective pixels: 2MP, 1920*1080
Min Illumination: Color 0.01Lux @F1.2(ICR);B/W 0.001Lux @F1.2 (ICR)
SNR: ≥50db(AGC OFF)
WDR: 120db, ISP algorithm face partial exposure
Web side configuration: stuðningur
Remote upgrade: stuðningur
vinna raki: 0~ 90% hlutfallslegan raka, engin þétting
Salt spray: level Rp6 or above
antistatic: contact ±6KV, air ±8KV
Power: DC12V/2A, 14.4W(MAX)
Column aperture: 36mm
búnaður stærð: 260(L)*136(W)*26(T)mm
Skjástærð: 8 inches IPS HD screen
þyngd: 1.7kg
Tungumál: Support English, italian, japanese, Korean or customized

F-803T model temperature measurement face recognition attendance machine is a multi-purpose human body temperature measurement attendance device developed by Seabreeze SmartCard Co.,Ltd, accurate temperature measurement + face verification + aðgangsstýring + EM4102 Chip RFID aðgangsstýring lyklakippa + mask Identify. The use of facial recognition and infrared temperature measurement can replace fingerprint attendance, reduce human contact, reduce the spread of disease, realize the functions of temperature measurement and access control attendance, and can automatically generate statistical reports to improve the efficiency of personnel management. Á sama tíma, all face records will be automatically saved, which is convenient for the secondary screening and investigation of personnel in the later period.
The temperature detection face recognition terminal is convenient for personnel entry management, access control and attendance. It is widely used in enterprises and schools, leiksvæðum, verslunarmiðstöðvar, hospitals and other fields with more staff. Real-time abnormal body temperature alarm can effectively monitor the occurrence of new coronavirus(COVID-19), the abnormal fever caused by the new type of pneumonia caused an abnormal increase in body temperature.
This temperature measurement face recognition access control attendance device can customize the corresponding modules according to project requirements: human body temperature measurement + face verification + aðgangsstýring + Stjórnunarstýring.

Dynamic Facial Reader with Body Temperature Detecting, Líkamshitamæling Andlit viðurkenning mætingarstöð, frá Seabreeze Smart Card Co Ltd.

Main Features
Support real time live detection
Support body temperature measurement and high temperature alarm
Support temperature data interface protocol docking
Support tracking of personnel movements under strong backlight conditions
Unique live face recognition algorithm to accurately recognize faces, face recognition time is less than 0.5s
Built-in domestic CPU
Using Linux operating system, better system stability
The camera uses H.265 Main Profile encoding, compatible with NVR and other storage devices through the ONVIF protocol
Support TF card storage, pictures are stored continuously for 1 year or longer (depends on TF card capacity)
Mean time between failures MTBF>50000 H
stuðningur 24000 face matching library and 160,000 face recognition records
Rich interface protocol, support TCP/IP, UDP, RTP, RTSP, RTCP, HTTP, DNS, DDNS, DHCP, SMTP, UPNP, MQTT protocol, Windows/Linux
Built-in light sensor, automatically adjust the opening and closing of the fill light
Rich hardware interface (I / O, WG26, WG34, RJ45, USB)
8-inch IPS full-view HD display, no streaking and delay
Support automatic gain control and automatic white balance
3D noise reduction and fog-passing technology makes the monitoring picture under low illumination more clear and delicate
Support code stream and I frame interval setting
Support video area partial blocking
Support ROI coding
Support setting maximum exposure time
Support 2D noise reduction, 3D noise reduction
Support recording schedule time period and upload mode setting
Support video brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, gamma adjustment
Support setting the maximum auto exposure time
Support face intelligent exposure, face smart enhancement settings


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    RFID / IOT / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Card / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Armband / Keychain
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    RFID lausn
    OEM / ODM

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