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fatnaður Tag

» RFID Hollur Tag » fatnaður Tag

Rafræn Ticket System Hollur Tag, Fatnaður Production Line Management RFID Tag, ETS dag

fatnaður Tag, Annað Hollur Tag , , , ,

vara líkan: YX648

Personalized customization: size and thickness, lögun, litur, material, RFID flís, frequency band, pre-printed LOGO and serial number, etc.

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Helstu tæknilegar breytur
vinna tíðni: 125KHz, 134.2KHz, 13.56MHz, 860~ 960MHz valfrjáls
siðareglur staðla: ISO14443A, ISO14443B, ISO15693, ISO18000-6C, ISO18000-6B
pakkað franskar: EM4100, EM4305, NTAG203, NTAG213, NTAG215, NTAG216, EM4305, TK4100, T5557, Hitag2, HitagS, M1 S50 / S70, Ult 10, DESFire41, ICODE2, Ti2048, SR176, INSIDE2K, LRI2K, LRIS2K eða UHF flís
Identification fjarlægð: 125KHz(2~ 10cm); 13.56MHz(2~ 6cm); 860~ 960MHz(20~ 100cm)
vinna hitastig: -20℃ ~ + 95 ℃
Geymslu hiti: -20℃ ~ + 90 ℃
Lesa og skrifa sinnum: > 100,000 sinnum
lífið:> 10 ár
Label efni: ABS, PPS
forskrift: þvermál 48mm
þykkt: 4.0mm
Inner holu: framkvæmir sporöskjulaga 18 × 28mm

YX648 model RFID clothing production ETS tags is made by using refined molds and injecting with high-grade anti-corrosion and high temperature-resistant materials. The RF card chip is encapsulated inside, filled with epoxy resin, and combined by ultrasonic welding. The appearance is small and exquisite, durable and does not fade. The product is waterproof, shockproof and anti-corrosion, with a variety of colors to choose from, and can be produced according to the customer's design.
125Khz/13.56Mhz a variety of RFID smart chips can be packaged on demand, can be combined packaging, LOGO, mynstur, ID code, serial number can be printed on the surface.
This RFID ETS tag is specially customized for the production of ETS (Electronic Ticket System) in the clothing industry, which can be used for informationization & automatic production line management of clothing, underwear, shirts, hats, shoes.
The clothing production ETS system uses RFID IC technology. IC technology is readable and writable. It can identify the RFID clothing information on each hanger, order, quantity, color verification, stærð, cylinder number, country tag, rafræna miða, etc. It can realize the automatic reading of RFID tags entering and exiting the production line, and automatic processing such as automatic sorting, timing, and counting.
This tags is also applicable to the fields of access control, patrol guards, EM4102 Chip RFID aðgangsstýring lyklakippa, time attendance management, EM4102 Chip RFID aðgangsstýring lyklakippa, One Card Solution payment, eignastýringu, Söluheiti, etc.


Kannski þú vilt líka

  • Þjónusta okkar

    RFID / IOT / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Card / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Armband / Keychain
    R / W Tæki
    RFID lausn
    OEM / ODM

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